no secrets

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The door to the apartment slams, sending Max into the room with me. He hugs to my legs and I pet him, numb with the release of emotion.

So this is what it feels like? When someone walks out in the middle of an argument?

With Layne gone I lay in bed, half waiting for her to return and half not knowing what else to do with her gone. After all, she had the keys. And the car. God, I hope her brother doesn't come back soon.

Suddenly I hear the jingle of keys in the door and jump up. Please no... I hear deep voices in the hall. Too deep to be Layne's. But definitely recognizable as Dil's. Fuck. I quickly close the door and dive into the closet.

"What do mean?" I know for sure that's Dil. But there's another voice. Actually three voices. One's a woman.

"Auntie I don't know when she'll be back she's grown."

"Well I don't agree with her living with that dyke!" she says harshly, "It's corrupting!"

Okay that's rough... I can only guess they're talking about me and Layne. That has to be her evil ass aunt.

"It's not like she's in the closet, Auntie....."

The voices grow quieter as they move towards the kitchen. Then I hear shuffling take place. Then the man's voice again, "Babe where's the dog?"

I realize that I'd grabbed Max in my panic, and he was now currently struggling against me. I open the door slightly, shoving him out the closet. Still, he turns back to me cocking his head and offering me a bark.

"Shut up before you get me shot!" I hiss at him. He thumps his tail against ground just as the door opens and I duck back into the closet.

I press closer and closer to the back of the closet, realizing how awful this will look if I'm caught.

I watch through the slates in the door someone approach and grab Max, "Who let you in here boy?"

The feet come closer and I hurry to cover myself with any loose piece of clothing. God pleaseGodpleasepleasepleasepleaseeeeeeeeeeee.....

The door cracks slightly and I hold my breath, praying for the first time in a long time. The door closes again and the feet retreat, Max's collar jangling behind them. Once the door to her room is closed again I exhale tensely.

Still, there's no way I can stay here. I stand  crawl from the closet and make my way to the window, peering down. May cartoon gods protect me amen. I open the screen and drop down, landing less than perfectly in the bushes below. There's a cracking and popping noise as I hit, and I pray that it was the bushes and not one of my hands. I roll instinctively, as my body hits the ground with a thud. Fuck.

I honestly didn't think that it would hurt that much to jump out a window.

I stand and examine my hand, which hurts something awful. Upon further examination, it's the same hand I'd sliced open in school, the only reminisces a faded scar on my dominate hand. I curse one last time and call Beck, "Hey, kid? Are you off right now? I need you to come get me."

"Beck Blume at your service," he replies. I tell him the address, which isn't far from his apartment, and he comes to get me in about ten minutes. As suspected, when I make my way to the front of the complex, Layne's car is no where in sight. Fucking great. I shake off the hurt of her leaving and slide into his old convertible.

"Who's place is that?" he nods towards the apartment building.

"Layne's," I reply, "We came to pick up some of her things, got into a fight, and she stranded me."

no savior.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz