no panicking

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When I come home from work, Vin is packing up a bag, ready to go.

"I'm going back to Colorado for a bit," he repeats for what has to be the third time.

"You have to be kidding me," I complain, "You're the one who brought me here!"

"I'll be back! Damn!" he shouts back at me, "It isn't like we see each other much. You have a job. I have a job. I'll be gone a week. Two weeks top. You'll be fine."

He tells me this, like he has no idea what could happen in two weeks.

"When were you going to tell me?"

"Well I would've told you only you didn't come home last night," he shoots, "And by the way-- You don't see me going on about that."

"I was with Beck," I state, "Before you start jumping to conclusions."

"I don't jump to conclusions."

"Okay. With yo' kangaroo lookin' ass," I storm out the room, "And Layne's on her way over! Just so you know!"

I head into the bathroom and get out my phone, dialing the contact solely in my phone as "Lifeline."

She answers on the first ring, "Oh look who's phone isn't broken?"

"Nat," I exhale into the phone, "You won't believe where I am right now."

"Are you in your first love's house living with your ex-fiance?" she guesses on spot. I say nothing and she adds, "Beck told me."

"Of course," I nod, "Wanna know what else?"

"Y'all fucking again?" she immediately responds.

"Fuck no!" she bursts into laughter on the other end of the line, "This is why I don't talk to you anymore Natalie Powell!"

"I'm sorry," she calms down, "Tell me!"

"We're going skating," I reply, "And no, that's not an innuendo for something."

"Yet," she snickers, "So I'm assuming you're going to tell me why platonic skating is so problematic?"

"I'm fine with just being her friend. But she's definitely out for being more than friends," I explain.


"She's kissed me and every time we're alone all she does is stare at my lips. God, she looks at me like I'm a piece of meat, Nat. Like she's just waiting to go in for the kill," I exhale, "I don't know how I'm going to keep fending her off."

"Don't try to then," she suggests, "Just go back to being the cute ass couple y'all were before she went off the deep end."

"I can't. It's not that simple," I stumble for the right words, "Nat I'm not running from her because she's problematic, this time," I explain, "I'm doing it because I am."

Layne's POV

"Going somewhere?"

As soon as I was off work I rushed home to shower off the pervert and BBQ smell. I change into something clean, not trying to look good, but maybe okay looking. Still, Dil, catches me, as I'm out of my normal running shorts and sport's bra.

"Yeah. Out," I reply curtly. 

"I assume it's with your same mystery friend?" he asks.

I don't respond. He looks over my outfit and finds no reason to question me further. "Alright. Be careful," he replies, dropping the subject.

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