Chapter 1:Where It All Began

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This is a Christmas Mellivia Story! I hope you enjoy!

Flashback: When they first met

Mellie went shopping after she made it to her new apartment. She needed food for her dinner and she got alot of stuff. She struggled getting her door opened while trying not to drop her groceries.

"That looks heavy. You need some help with that?" Mellie turned to see a short brown haired woman staring at her. Mellie was struck by her beauty but even more struck by her eyes. They were sad. Even sadder than hers.

"Are you just gonna stare at me or do you need help?" Mellie snapped out of her trance letting out nervous laughter. She nodded her head letting the girl know she needed help.

"Yeah, that would be nice." The girl kindly helped her move her groceries into her apartment. She looked around her apartment taking it all in. It was decorated beautifully. It was much more brighter than Liv's creme colored decorations.

"You can sit those on that counter there." Mellie lead her toward the small counter near the kitchen opening. The girl took a moment to catch her breath still looking around the apartment.

"I'm assuming you just moved here. I've never seen you before." Mellie nodded her head showering through her bags for the ice cream.

"Yeah. Just a few weeks ago actually. I'm Melody, but everyone calls me Mellie." She reached her hand out for the chocolate girl to shake. She gladly shook her hand making brief eye contact before she looked away.

"I'm Olivia. Olivia Pope." Liv went back to the bags helping Mellie put them away. Mellie really though she could manage on her own but Liv seemed to be having a nice time. She came over to Mellie with a handful of sour candies called Warheads.

"Where do I put these? I hope you don't mind I took a few." She was giggling which made Mellie chuckle herself. She pointed toward a small candy bowl in the middle of a small table.

"Right there would be fine. Plus I don't mind about the candy, they hurt after you eat too many." Liv placed every single candy in the small candy bowl. She took one she had already took from the pack and popped it in her mouth.

"Jesus Christ!" She had the cutest little sour face Mellie had ever seen. Her eyes were closed as well as her mouth. Her face was scruched as she moved the candy around her mouth. Mellie laughed walking over to her. She was momentarily frozen in place while the sour took over her.

"This is hilarious! You should see yourself right now!" Mellie was now laughing to the point tears began to stream down her eyes. Finally the sour subsided and Liv was able to open her eyes. They were watery and she herself was laughing. "That's not funny. I had the sour face."

"Well your sour face is very beautiful, Olivia." She caught a glimpse of her brown eyes. They seemed to shine a little, making them a little brighter than before.

She cracked a small smile looking up to Mellie. "Well you're a beautiful little flower yourself." Mellie chuckled at her compliment. She went into the kitchen and grabbed two cold bottles of water.

"Take a seat. You're the most interesting person I've met since I moved here." Liv gladly took her drink and sat next to her on the couch. Liv was actually surprised with how easy it was for her to get comfortable in this woman's house. She expected to just go home and sit and eat popcorn until she was full get in the shower and sleep. Just like she's been doing for the past year.

Mellie flipped on the TV turning on one of her favorite game shows Family Feud. Liv immediately began to laugh seeing Steve Harvey being silly on the screen.

"So, how long have you been here?" Mellie tried to start polite conversation. She found the girl next to her intriguing. She took a drink of her water waiting for Liv to answer.

"I've been living here since I started college, so about 1 year." Mellie was surprised to hear that she had stayed in the same spot. She normally moved around.

"Why haven't you moved?"

Liv shrugged her shoulders. She really didn't know why. "I guess I just like it here. Its nice and I can be alone." Liv took a drink of her water taking a glance in Mellie's direction. She was a very beautiful woman. The girls caught eye contact getting lost in each others eyes. Liv loved her blue eyes, but she could also tell that they were saddened in some way.

"You're eyes are so pretty. Big and brown."

Liv blushed a little at the compliment, but she didn't look away for long. "You're eyes are pretty too. They're blue like the ocean." Mellie began giggling all of a sudden taking Liv off guard.

"What is it?"

"Nothing is just that I was going to come up with a metaphor for yours but it would have been so yucky." Mellie couldn't help but laugh at herself. Liv playfully rolled her eye at the goofy woman beside her.

"Well tell me anyway. I'm all ears." Almost immediately after she said that statement Mellie blurted out, "Brown like poop!" She began cackling again as Liv sat with her mouth open in shock.

"Out of all the things in your head you come up with poop?" She herself had started laughing at Mellie's silliness. "I'm so sorry, it was the first thing to pop into my head!" Mellie finally took a breather gathering herself. She grabbed her water bottle going to get another drink.

"Since my eyes are poop colored I guess I can say the same about your hair. Its the exact color of human shit." Liv screeched as water shot out of Mellie's mouth. She stood up from the couch giggling. Mellie's hand went over her mouth still laughing. She forcefully swallowed the water gasping for breath.

"Well that was unexpected." Liv teased Mellie who had just leaned back in her seat catching her breath. They hadn't laughed that hard in a good while. They could tell from right then they were gonna be good friends.

"You're funny. I like you already!" Mellie sat back in her seat still laughing. Liv sat back down next to her. She was really enjoying herself.

"You're not to bad yourself."

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