Chapter 27:Dropped A Bomb

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Liv stayed at the house the rest of the day before deciding it was time to head back to her apartment. She figured Mellie was worried about where she might be and she didn't want to drive the woman into paranoia so she headed back to her place.

Just as she expected when she opened the door to her apartment Mellie was there on the couch phone in hand just getting ready to call her. When she saw she was at the door she immediatly hung up the phone and stood to her feet.

"Where were you? You were gone all day." Liv smiled faintly sitting Purla down on the floor before walking up to Mellie. No words were spoken at all. She just went toward her girlfriend gently wrapped her arms around Mel's lower waist in a hug. Her head laid softly on her chest with her eyes closed hoping Mellie would take the hint.

She in fact did and Mellie enclosed her in a hug. She lowered the down on the couch with Liv tucked comfortable between both Mellie and the couch. Mellie placed soft little kisses along Liv's hair line.

She looked down at the chocolate girl under her arm whose face was just filled with different emotions. She just wanted to be held and she was more than happy to.

After a while of silence Liv very faintly opened her mouth to speak but it was so quite Mellie had almost missed it. Luckily she didn't and was able to give Liv her full attention. "I went to my parents graves today."

She gasped lightly shocked that Liv would even step foot into the cemetery. She couldn't even look at them without boiling over and greif let alone see the place where they had been laid to rest. From what Mellie knew she wanted no connection with them. It hurt too much but from what Liv had just told her she thought maybe she had a change of heart.

"Really? What made you go?" Mel's soft hands gently carresed Liv's button nose making her seem even more adorable to her in the moment.

Olivia cuddled deeper into Mellie's body. "I don't know, I just went." She fiddled with her thumbs a bit getting lost in her mind oblivious to the fact that Mellie was actually waiting for her to continue.

Mellie's index finger slowly came up to Liv's face moving one of her curls off to the side.

"And? Anything else you wanna tell me?"

It took a while but Liv finally warmed up enough to drop the huge bomb. "I think I wanna move back home. Back to my parents house. I don't want to sell it and I realized how much I miss it there."

Mellie was very taken aback. Liv had been gone all day and comes back home with gut punch after gut punch. Knowing how Liv's mentality was this was all a complete shock.

"Babe?" Mellie snapped out of her trance to see Liv's doe brown eyes staring back at her.

"I want to move back home. Maybe it'll be good for me." A soft smile fell over Liv's face as the thought of moving back into her parents house danced around in her head. It was her house now and she didn't want it just sitting there collecting dust any longer.

Mellie sighed, "If that's what you want then go for it honey. I won't stop you."

Her soft lips came down to Liv's plump ones capturing them in a kiss. Liv pulled away smiling way more than before. "I want you to move in with me."

Short Chapter. I know, more coming :l

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