Chapter 6:First Fight

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Mellie and Liv stared down at eachother breathing heavily. Olivia's pants were still unbuttoned and she was still very much turned on. Her big doe eye eyes never separated from Mel's blue ones. She despritly wanted to continue but he restraint was slowly coming back.

To her surprise Liv broke out in tears and jumped off her body. She was stumbling over her feet but somehow managed to get to her bedroom. The door slammed shut and she heard Liv lock it behind her letting her know she didn't want anybody to come in. She heard Liv's sobs ring around the apartment but she knew she wanted to be alone, so she grabbed what was left of her drink and stumbled out of the apartment to her own. Once she was there she collapsed in her couch and was out like a light.


14 Days Until Christmas:

Liv groaned and rolled over in her bed as the light from the rising sun peeked its way through her window curtains. Her head was throbbing and her eyes were swollen from all her crying last night. Just like she thought memories from last night began to rush through her mind. It was perfect and she wanted it, but for some reason when she stared in Mellie's eyes a string emotion came over her and she couldn't go through with it.

She looked at her phone to see 10 missed calls from Mellie. Apparently she woke way before she did. She sighed deciding to finally get out of bed. Once she did she ran straight for the bathroom where she threw up everything from the previous night.

"Damn it." She groaned hugging the tolit bowl as her stomach threw flips. She thought she was just fine until everything came up again. Unlike last time, this time she felt some soft hands gather her hair and hold it. Once she was done she flushed the tolit and looked up to see Mellie.

She smiled shyly and held up a glass of water for Liv to use to wash her mouth out. She grabbed the cup of water and with Mellie's help she was able to stand up over the sink. Mellie left her alone to wash her mouth and get ready for the day. To be honest she felt a little awkward, they were so drunk last night she wasn't really sure if Liv remembered what happened between them, but she did.

She secretly hoped Liv remembered too because it was gonna be hard to pretend that what happened didn't happen. She went back into the kitchen where she began cooking up some breakfast for her and Olivia.

She sipped on her orange juice as she glided around the kitchen. She was so entranced with making breakfast she didn't realize Liv walking down the hallway toward kitchen. Only when they gently bumped into eachother did she realize Liv was out if the bathroom.

Their eyes caught eachother for a quick second before Olivia pulled back. "Good morning." She mumbled moving last her to the fridge where she poored herself some apple juice.

"Good morning. You think you can't handle some breakfast?" She only asked because she knew Liv was hungover and she was too she had just woken up earlier to deal with it. Liv walked past mellie to get a stepping stool to which she used to reach one of the top cabinets. Mellie watched on making sure she was stable on the step stool.

She pulled down a can of chicken noodle soup and handed it to Mellie. "Can you make me soup?" Mellie nodded taking Liv in her arms. It was nice to hold her again and she smiled warmly as she carried her to the couch.

She laid her down and covered her up with a blanket, "I'll have your soup ready, then we can be lazy bums all day. How does that sound?" Liv giggled and nodded her head getting comfortable under her blanket.

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