Chapter 17:One Emotional Day

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Weeks Later:

Liv was up to her knees in work. She had to make her business known which wasn't that easy especially since noone really knew her on that part of town but she made initiative to change that. This had to be a success, it needed to be.

Since New Year's had past she made one of her new year resolutions to open up her bakery and from where she was right now it wasn't too far behind. Right now she was working on redecorating the place. She wanted her customers to feel light and free when they walked in so she chose some soft colors.

That was exactly what she was doing when she heard a frantic knock on her door. She put down her color pallets to open up her door. As soon as the door swung open Abby burst through with hot tears streaming down her face.

Liv had no idea what was going on all she knew was that something happened to Abby but she couldn't figure out what because Abby was too busy rambling in between sniffles and tears to speak clearly.

"Abby!" Liv screeched grabbing her friends shoulders to stop her from speaking. Never had Liv seen a person so frantic before. Other than Mellie with her parents but this was something else, something complelty different.

Abby's sobs slowly came down to sniffles as she met eyes with Olivia.

"Abigail, what's wrong?" She lead Abby over to the couch where a box of tissues was conveniently laying. Liv put all her things on the small table in front of her before she took a seat next to Abby. All the commotion from Abby's crying woke Purla from her afternoon nap. She came trotting down the hallway looking like a fluffy, furry overgrown cotton ball with legs.

She plopped her body down right next to Liv's feet. Liv grabbed the box of tissues and handed them to Abby who took a few to wipe her face.

"Liv I messed up okay. Stephan is gonna hate me." Liv tried to hide the shock on her face. Sure, she and everybody knew Stephan and Abby liked each other but none knew the were a thing. Until now. She waited patiently for her to continue and prayed she didn't cheat on the guy.

Abby sniffles blowing her nose before she continued. "I got pregnant and he told me he wasn't ready for that and my dumb ass got pregnant Olivia."

To say Olivia was shocked would be an understatement. She was not expecting that at all. She opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it when she realized she actually didn't know what to say at all.

Even though she wanted to say something she couldn't because as soon as the words left her mouth Abby broke into loud sobs all over again. She gripped Liv close to her as she cried. The only thing Liv knew how to do was comfort her.

"Abby, I know this probably isn't something you want but you're gonna be okay and-"

"No! No I won't be! I don't want a freaking kid!" Liv heart shattered listening to her Abby say those words. But she new Abby had a decesion to make on her own. Abby pulled away burrowing her face in her hands. Liv reached for the box of tissues pulling Abby back into her.

"You know you have to tell Stephan. He needs to know, he'll understand trust me." She ran her fingers through the red heads hair. Slowly her sobs began to quiet down into sniffles. Her head rested on Liv's chest as she rocked her back and forth until Abby calmed down.

She slowly turned around to face Liv's warm brown eyes. She cracked a small smile hoping it would cheer her up a bit. But she didn't return the smile.

"Liv, I'm scared. I don't know how to be a mom, I don't know the first thing about it."

Liv chuckled still running her hands through her hair. "You know what the funny thing about that is?"

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