Chapter 19:On My Way Back Home

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Mellie woke with a small furry body on top of her face. She heard Liv's joyuss laughter as she lifted Purla off of her.

"Sorry I sat her down for two seconds I swear. I come back and all I see is a white puff ball on your face." She plopped down next to Mellie with the puppy in her arms. Mellie chuckles softly rubbing her eyes. She was still tired from their date last night. They had stayed out for hours doing anything they wanted.

Liv crawled back in bed and clicked on her lap top. Purla curled into her lap while Liv began doing her work. She was ordering in new seats and tables for the bakery. Mellie turned over toward her alarm clock only to find out it was 6:15 in the morning.

"Honey, why are you up so early?" Her body rolled over cuddling into Liv's side. Liv welcomed her placing a soft kiss over her forehead.

She chuckled before answering, "Well, I couldn't sleep to put it briskly. It's nothing bad at all, I just couldn't sleep. Oh! And I booked our flight for later but I'm still trying to figure out if I wanna take Purla." Her brown eyes turned to meet Mellie's blue ones as the girl stared up at her with shining eyes. She wondered if she had even heard anything that came from her mouth. She looked so entranced with her face.

Liv loved the way Mellie looked at her. It was like she had absolutely no flaws at all and to Mellie, she didn't. In her eyes she was perfect. Everything about her from the way her hair curls when it's wet to how her eye brows scrunch when she's in deep thought.

"If only you could see the way I see you through my eyes, then you could fully understamd how much I care for you babe." Mellie slowly raised up inching closer and closer to Liv. Their lips were centimeters apart, both girls waited to see what the other would do.

Without much thought Liv cupped Mellie's face connecting their lips. Mellie moaned into the kiss loving the way Liv's plump lips felt on her soft ones. It felt like she had died and gone to heaven.

Before the kiss could get too heated Purla sensing her lack of attention stood on her hind legs using her paws to gently pat Liv's face. Both Mellie and Liv chuckled listening to Purla whine.

Liv reluctantly pulled away only after laying more soft pecks on Mellie's lips. She scooped Purla up immediately granting her little licks on the cheek from the small puppy.

"Purlie you gotta learn to share mommy sweetie." She cooed ruffling Purla's thick fur. Mellie reached for Purla and she gladly plopped into her arms. She craddled the puppy like a baby giving her access to her furry tummy.

Liv giggled watching Mellie play with Purla. Mellie quickly glanced toward Liv before she looked back down at Purla. "Imagine if this was a real baby. Our baby." Purla was gently nawing on Mell's index finger tickling her finger a bit.

Liv paused for a minute staring right at Mellie still staring down at Purla who had the look of pure bliss over her face as Mellie gently rubbed over her belly. She was shocked to say the least. Of course she's always wanted kids but her and Mellie never really talked about it.

"Our baby?" She asked with a mix between shock and excitement. "You want babies with me?"

Mellie chuckled. "Ofcourse Honey! Mommy and Momma, gosh that'd be everything." Her eyes glowed at the thought of having a baby with Olivia. "I'd be the favorite parent ofcourse." She teased Liv.

Liv scootched closer to her now the only thing occupying her mind was the thought of raising beautiful children with Mellie. "How many would you want?"

Mellie didnt take long to answer. "3 or 4. Two girls and two boys or two boys and one girl. But it doesn't really matter. You?"

She turned toward Liv waiting for her to answer her own question. "I'd have as many as you wanted." Her lips came up to meet Mellie's. It was a quick kiss but displayed so much passion behind it.

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