Chapter 8:Turning Point

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Mellie froze from Liv's random question not really knowing how to answer it. Liv waited for her answer her big doe eyes not leaving hers for one second. Mellie's hands wrapped around her small waist pulling her to sit on her lap.

"Do you want to be? You wanna be my girl?" Her voice was deep get so smooth. Just the sound alone made Liv want to just take her on the couch right then. Her fingers ran through Liv's curly locks knowing the affect she had on her.

"I could go for that. What about you?" She let out a sigh breaking eye contact from Liv for a split second. Olivia felt her heart sink into her stomach at the thought that Mellie didn't want to be with her.

"Its not that I don't want to but we weren't even in a relationship and we were already fighting. What would happen if we actually did do this? Would we fight like that all the time?" Liv nodded her head going to move from her lap. Mellie's soft hand went to Liv's face forcing her to turn back. She still wouldn't look her in the eyes which hurt her.

"C'mon look at me, please?" Her thumb gently ran over her cheek until her brown orbs met hers.

"All I'm saying is that we just see what happenes. Like a little experiment." She kissed liv on her nose making her chocolate cheeks burn red.

"You're adorable when you blush." She giggled watching Liv cover up her burning cheeks with her small hands.



7 Days Until Christmas:

Liv stood in the mirror with her dress on waiting for Mellie to come get her so they could go to her fathers party. She wasn't looking forward to it only because she wasn't a big fan of her farther, but she knew Mellie was struggling way more than she was so she sucked it up for her.

She was on her way out of the bathroom to get her shoes when she heard her front door open. Knowing it was Mellie she made her way to the living room where she saw Mellie nervously standing in the middle of the room.

"Hey, you look like you've already drinken half a bottle of wine." She teased walking up to her so they could be face to face. Her arms wrapped around her waist getting Mellie's attention.

Once she had her attention she brought one of her hands up to Mellie's face. "You're gonna do fine don't worry about him." Mellie nodded letting her know she heard her and that she understood. Her dad was the only person in the world who could really get under her skin.

"I came to tell you my dad kinda arranged for us to be driven there, but he doesn't know you're coming so..... Yeah."

"That's it?"

She shook her head grabbing Liv's hand leading her toward the door. "No I also came to tell you he's downstairs. Right now... Waiting. The driver I mean not my dad." Liv nodded and grabbed her shoes quickly putting them on before her and Liv left for the dreadful party.


Mellie and Liv stood outside in the cold purely because Mellie was getting stopped every five seconds because one of her farther coworkers noticed her. Finally after stoping to talk to everyone they were finally inside.

"See! I told you this party was gonna be filled with snobby, rich, white people." Liv laughed as Mellie pointed to one of her highschool peers who looked like the most spoiled little girl you could think of.

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