Chapter 16:"There's No Place In The World I'd Rather Be"

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Olivia and Mellie pulled up to OPA. Liv had finally found a building that she had loved and she booked an appointment with the owner to see if they could make a deal. But they still had to tell the group that Liv was planning on leaving soon.

She realized how hard of a task that was going to be once she turned off her car. She leaned back in the drivers seat letting out a shakey breath. She knew the only one that would probably hate her for it would be Abby and she didn't want anyone of them to hate her for it.

"Mellie what if I just wrote a nice letter instead?" She turned toward Mellie with the most terrified face she had ever seen. Mellie only chuckled. She grabbed her girlfriends hand bringing it to her lips.

She planted soft kisses over her hand calming her down. "None of them will hate you. They know how important this is. Stop being such a worry wart and come om before we're late for the appointment."

Liv chuckled. Mellie knew exactly what to say to cheer her up. Only she could say some bs like that and have Liv smile and laugh instead of get angry. "If this backfires, I'm blaming you and you're smart ass mouth." She hopped out the car listening to Mellie's obnoxious laughter. She thought she even heard a little snort but she wasn't sure either way Mellie's laugh was quite a unique one.

Together they crossed the street and entered OPA. Once those elevators doors opened they walked out and headed straight for the conference room where everyone was already working on one of their cases.

Elton Arnold, a middle aged man who thought it was perfectly fine to be a mayor and take dirty pictures and send them to his multiple mistresses. But that was the last thing on Liv's mind when she entered that room.

Everyone was so entranced in their work they hadnt even looked up to notice Liv or Mellie standing before them. The whole thing made Mellie giggle which then caught their attention.

"Liv! You're here finally! We got his mistress to agree to a deal okay. All she wants is a quarter of a million and she'll disappear into a different dimension if we asked her to. The other one on the other hand just wants to make his life a living hell. So I was thinking we-"

Liv raised her hand silencing Quinn before she could finish what she was saying, "That was a whole mouth full and I wasn't ready for it. But that sounds great we'll work on the other one later but right now I wanted to speak to you guys about something I've been thinking about."

Quinn shrugged her shoulders. The papers in her hand got tossed on the table as she took her seat next to Abby. "Alright girly come on let's get a move on I got people to threaten in a few hours." Everyone turned toward Harrison who simply shrugged all of them off. "I got warrants okay? I need to bribe the female officer. I bought her cookies, she loves cookies."

Liv only shook her head before turning her attention to the rest of the group. Mellie took a seat next to her once she realized Liv wasn't gonna sit down.

"So you guys know I love OPA with everything in me but despite this... I think it's time for me to move on to something else." She watched immediately as Abby's whole demeanor changed.

Huck who was sitting at the furthest end of the table spoke up. "What do you mean Liv?"

She took a quick glance around the room before continuing. "I mean I found a place where I can start my own resturant like my mom wanted although I'm gonna open a bakery instead. And I want to do it. I have to." She had no idea how they would take the information. Yes, she knew they probably wouldn't banish her to hell for it but they could defiantly hold their grudges about her leaving if they chose to.

She honestly hoped they just excepted it and moved on. Her gaze traveled around the room nervously waiting for what everyone had to say.

Quinn cleared her throat causing everyone's attention to shift from Olivia to her. She stood up from her seat and made her way toward Liv. She had no expression on her face which worried Olivia. Because she had no expression Liv had no idea what was running through her mind which cause her anxiety to start flaring up.

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