Chapter 4: Just A Few Kisses

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Mellie woke in the middle of the night to someone banging on her front door. She grumbled all the way to her front door where she viciously swung it open. Olivia looked up at her her eyes filled with tears.

Mellie didn't even have to ask her, she already knew what was wrong. "You had another night mare?" She only nodded walking into Mellie's arms. Her grip was tight but Mellie didn't mind, she knew this was hard for Olivia.

When Liv was 14 her parents passed away in a car wreak and she was there to witness the whole thing, she was in the wreak herself. The sad part is it was right around Christmas about a week before Christmas and she never let it go. She never got passed it.

She even told Mellie that after that she was alone for a really long time despite living with her Aunt and Uncle who really didn't pay her any mind most of the time. When she met Mellie she was in a sunken place but Mellie made her happy and she had been ever since. But she still hurt about it. That's something they had in common. Parents and Hurt. Mellie's was just a little different. Her parents were alive but didn't like her choices.

They both hurt but they find peace in eachother. Mellie picked Liv up and carried her to her bed. "You're okay Liv." She rubbed over her friends back in soothing motions. Liv didn't mean to be a bother but she really needed someone right now and the only person she could think of was Mellie. She knew Mellie understood.

She got them comfortable under the bed still holding Liv who wouldn't let her go for anything. "I know. It's okay, shh." She held Liv as she cried. She noticed long ago that Liv was very responsive when she shushed her kinda like you would a baby. It was comforting to Olivia and always worked.

"It's okay, Its over now."

Her cries slowly began to get calmer and her shaking had subsided. "Shh. There you go." Without even thinking about her actions Mellie laid a gentle kiss on top of Liv's head. Her lips lingered there for quite a while before she pulled away. Liv didn't seem to notice and if she did she didn't care.

"Shh, go to sleep you're okay." Now the only thing that was heard were Liv's gentle whimpers. Mellie rubbed over her back soothing her until she heard the girl go silent and soft snores replaced her cries.


When Mellie woke the next morning Liv wasn't there at all. It was just an empty space beside her. She sighed already missing her contact before she rolled out of bed to get ready for work. Liv did this all the time. She would show up and in the morning be gone.

She went through her normal routine washing her hair and brushing her teeth before she got out her out fit for the day. Before leaving home she grabbed a bagel for breakfast and was off to work in record time.

She stepped off the elevators and went straight to Olivia's office. She was surprised because for some reason Liv was on her way out.

"Where you off to?"

She stopped abruptly seeing Mellie in her doorway. They made quick eye contact before Liv looked away. "I let everyone take a break today. I have alot of errands to run so I figured we could all take a few days off. It's the holidays after all right?" Mellie could tell she was trying to rush the conversation. She couldn't stay still which always meant that she was nervous or something was bothering her.

Mellie stepped into the office shutting and locking the door behind her. "You're gonna tell me what's wrong, then we're gonna go run your errands got it?" Mellie pointed to the couch in front of them silently telling Liv to sit.

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