Chapter 28:Breathe Again

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Mellie looked down at Olivia completely shocked by everything Liv was saying to her. She just couldn't believe it. She was most definitely happy that she had finally worked up enough courage to go visit her parents but she would have never thought she would go as far as to say she wanted to move back home.

"Are you sure babe? This is a really big step, not only for you but for both of us."

Mellie's soft hand came up to Liv's face gently caressing her cheek waiting for her to answer the question. Of course she would want nothing more than to move in with her. She was the love of her life but she just wanted to make sure Olivia was 100% ready before they made that huge transition.

Liv smiled, her eyes seemed to glow as she looked up at Mel right into her blue eyes. She sat up a little getting a tad bit closer to Mel, so close their lips were centimeters from each other. They sat there for a moment just staring at each other letting their emotions speak for them before anything happened. Mellie gripped her hands around Liv's waist waiting for what was about to happen. She desperately wanted to kiss her but didn't want to rush anything that was happening between them.

Slowly Liv inched forward finally planting her lips upon Mellie's. Their lips met in a slow passionate kiss allowing them to just be in the moment with each other. Liv's hands came to wrap around Mellie's neck pulling the girl closer to her to deepen the kiss.

Her chocolate fingers got tangled in Mellie's hair as their emotional kiss slowly came to a halt. 

She pulled away slowly still staring into Mel's eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but before any words could leave her mouth Mellie silenced her with a kiss of her own. This time the kiss was more aggressive. Her grip around Liv's waist tightened as the shorter girl moved to straddle her.

Liv let out a slight moan as Mellie's hands slowly travelled down to cup her bottom. In response to her moan Mellie chuckled deeply as she pecked Liv's plump lips over and over until she pulled away.

She looked at Liv with a playful smirk over her facial features. "You were saying missy?"

Liv threw her head back in laughter at Mellie. Here she was trying to be serious and mellie is being just a goofy as possible. 

Liv pecked Mellie's lips still chuckling. "I was saying that I'm sure about this. I want to move back home and I want you to be with me." She stopped for a moment reaching out to touch Mellie's face moving a stray curl from her face. "Would you maybe, want to move with me? I don't want to rush you if you're not ready and-"

Mellie silenced Liv placing her index finger over her lips. She was nervous and when she was nervous she began to ramble which Mellie found very adorable. Then again mostly anything Liv did to her was adorable.

"Yes, I would love to move in with you." 

Liv's eyes sparkled in excitement. She was just about to say something but Mellie continued her sentence. "As long as you don't eat my cereal."

Liv raised her eyebrow slightly chuckling at Mel's statement. "Babe, I hate to break this to you but no one even likes those disgusting Pop cereals you eat."

"Don't ever disrespect my cereal ever! They're better than every other cereal out there, expecially yours."

Mellie pouted crossing her arms playfully. 

Liv cupped Mellie's face placing a soft kiss over her nose. 

"Nothing is better than Captain Crunch, sorry."


Mellie woke up the next day rather early but to her surprise Liv was already gone. She rolled over in the bed rubbing her eyes to the shining sun blasting through the bedroom curtains. She got out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom where a little note was waiting for her on the mirror along with a little present in a small box.

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