Chapter 20: Down South

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Mellie and Liv arrived at the airport a little early. That meant waiting a bit for their plane to arrive. So to pass the time Mellie went to get them something to snack on while they waited meanwhile Liv sat in the waiting area for Mellie to return.

Liv sat scrolling through her phone talking to Abby about Purla when some random guy sat next to her. She didn't think nothing of it, she had no reason to or so she thought.

His rough hand reached out to touch her getting her attention. Slowly she turned to face him popping one ear bud from her ear.

"Hi, I don't mean to bother you but I noticed you've been sitting here a while and I'd have to say you're really beautiful." He had a wide grin on his face as his hand massaged her arm. She pulled away from him breaking their contact.

"I'm not alone, I'm waiting for someone." She went back to place her earbud in her ear when once again he grabbed her hand. It wasn't rough but it wasn't gentle either. His green eyes peirced into her almost like he was staring into the depths of her soul.

He moved a little closer to her and whispered. "If you were mine, I'd never leave you alone." She jerked back away from him but still he had her in his grasp.

"Leave me alone. I'm not intrested I told you I'm with someone. In other words...Fuck Off." She pulled away from him again this time successfully getting away from him. His face fell realizing he had done something wrong.

"Did...did I hurt you or something?" Just when he was about to say something else Liv heard the voice of the woman she had been waiting on. Both Liv and the man turned to face Mellie.

"Hey Honey, is he bothering you?" Her blue eyes shot daggers at the older man as she possesivly wrapped her arms around Olivia sitting the snacks beside her. Liv leaned into her allowing herself to be held in her arms.

The man giggled, "Is this your friend?"

This time it was Mellie's turn to giggle. She let go of Olivia and leaned toward the man. "No, I'm not her friend I'm her girlfriend and I'm pretty sure she wants you to leave, my only question is why the hell you're still sitting right here."

The man looked between both women shocked to find out that they were dating. He sighed in frustration before getting up and moving back to where he originally was. Only when he was far enough away from them did Mellie finally turn back to Liv.

"Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" She cupped her face softly staring into her brown orbs. Liv chuckled pecking her lips.

"I'm fine. No, he didn't hurt me." She reached over to grab the snacks squealing in delight. Together they sat waiting for their plane. It wasn't too much of a wait and in a couple of hours the plane finally got there.

They walked through the gates and found their seats after much confusion. Liv had the windown seat while Mellie took the aisle. One thing Mellie never understood about Liv was that she had a bad fear of heights yet requested the window seat on the plane.

When Mellie asked her about it her reply was simply, "I don't like people staring at me. If I sit by the window noone even knows I exsist." Mellie only laughed at her reply before getting comfortable in her own seat. Liv on the other hand had about two panic attacks before the plane even took off.

And when the plane did take off Liv buried her face into Mellie's chest while gripping her hand for dear life. Only when they were in the air did Liv finally calm down. She raised her head laughing at her own self along with Mellie.


Mostly for the whole plane ride Mellie was asleep while Liv was up playing a game on her phone. Honestly there was nothing much else to do besides watch a movie but Liv wasn't up for it.

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