Chapter 23:One Day Out

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"Huh?" Liv asked her completly taken off guard by this very sudden outburst. She wasn't really expecting Mellie to ask such a serious question in the dead of night in her childhood bed.

Mellie slowly rose off of Liv's body going to lay beside her. She placed her hands around Liv's waist pulling her into her side. "I said I want to marry you. You know, make you my wife type thing." She had the cutest smile over her face as she held Liv close to her. She was tracing small circles on her side absentmindedly causing Liv to giggle.

Liv softly pushed her hand away releiving herself. She propped her head uo on her hand looking down at Mellie. "Babe, you don't even have a ring. This isn't even a proposal."

Mellie pulled Liv on top of her. "Well, how about when we get back home. I propose to you although, I'm not gonna tell you when and when I do, then you make your decision but I'm telling you right now, I'm gonna make you my wife."

Liv leaned down taking her lips in a soft kiss. She had no doubt in her mind that she wanted to marry Mellie. "I'd gladly marry you. In a heartbeat."


The girls finally got around to going back to sleep and actually staying asleep. Although Mellie was woken up really early in the morning by Charlie who was obnoxious banging on Mellie's bedroom door.

Mellie slowly removed a sleeping Liv from her arms before hurridly rushing to the door to answer it before his loud banginf woke up Olivia too. She swung the door open coming face to face with the smug face of her cousin.

"Charlie have a little respect here, Liv is sleeping." She shoed him aside walking past him closing the door behind her after catching one quick glance back at Olivia. She chuckled not beliving that Liv was actually cuddling her pillow still fast asleep.

"Look, sorry but Fran wants to go shopping with you today. Oh and since you're gonna be out with Fran, I'll gladly invite Olivia out with me today."

She nodded her head before turning to head back into her room. Charlie had already disappeared down the steps by the time she had even reached for the door knob. She stepped through the door to see Olivia hanging off the bed about to fall out of it for a second time.

Her legs were on the bed but her whole upper body was dangling off ready to hit the floor with impact. Only two things ran through her mind, one she could save her girlfriend from bashing her face on the floor or two...she could grab her phone and record the moment on camera.

Sad to say she ran for her phone on the dresser. She pressed record trying really hard not to laugh too hard. Just like she thought Liv took one huge breath and that sent her tumbling right out of the bed face first.

Mellie cackled without remorse finding it hilarious that Liv had found a way to fall out of her bed twice. "Mellie, that isn't funny I hit my head again." She whined rolling over. Mel finally turned off the camera before she went to Liv's aid.

She had a frown on her face but she knew she wasn't gonna stay mad for too long, especially since she was leaving soon. "Lighten up Honey, that was hilarious." She placed a light kiss over her cheek. The sweet talk didn't seem to work like normal she still had that frown on her face.

"Coming from the girl who didn't fall head first from a tall ass bed twice." She groaned leaning into Mel's body for certain comfort.

Mellie's soft lips laid over the section where Liv had bumped her head. "My mom wants us to go shopping today which leaves you alone with my cousin and farther.....I'm gonna pray for you." Liv giggled adorably cuddling deeper in Mellie's arms.

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