Chapter 15:A Few Steps Forward

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Mellie woke up alone in Olivia's bed. She turned over realizing Liv was playing soft music from the living room. Not only that she was clearly up playing with Purla simply because of the faint sound of a sqeeky toy and Liv bubbly chants.

"Purla you can't chew on mommy's toes!" She heard her giggle from her room.

Mellie was a little suprised by Liv's attitude but she didn't think much of it and rolled out of bed and into the bathroom where she would take her a nice warm shower before she joined Liv in the living room.

She peeked her head from around the corner to see Olivia sitting on the floor with her laptop and bodies of paper scattered around the floor. It was pretty messy expecially with Purla dragging her toys around like a rabid squirrel.

"Soooo, what do we have here?" Mel joined Liv on the floor who had just noticed Mellie was standing in the room with her. She was so focused on what was on her laptop.

She caught a glimpse of the screen and gasped in shock which in return made Liv giggle. "Olivia... Why are you looking at restaurant buildings for sale? Are you doing what I think you are?"

Liv nodded smiling. Mellie couldn't help but notice a sparkle in her eye as she scrolled through every single building that was available. "Last night I just... I have to do this. This was my moms dream, it's my dream. And even though I know I don't talk about my parents I know that it's finally time for me to grow some big girl balls and take the risk."

She watched as Liv paused for a minute staring off into space before she continued. "My mom would love this." Mellie pulled Liv into her lap using the couch to keep both of them upright. She kissed the shorter girl over her cheek whispering how proud of her she was.

"Ofcourse she would be proud. Does this mean your finally gonna open your parents nick naks?"

Liv immediately shoed off that idea and that's when Mellie knew she was still having a little trouble. She never wanted to see pictures of her parents ever. No where. She didn't know why but it was something Liv hated to see. She could only assume it's because of the car wreak.

"Can you tell me why pretty girl?" She brushed Liv's curly hair from her face expsong the side of her face. Liv continued scrolling through the restaurants choosing to ignore her question all together. She didn't want to talk about it.


Liv sighed sitting the laptop off to the side. She leaned into Mellie's arms trying to get her erratic breathing in cheak. "I don't like to see them. Every time I see them the whole thing plays over in my head. Every single thing. So.... I don't like to see them because I saw them die."

She knew it took alot out of Liv to say that and she knew the conversation was over when Liv reached for her laptop and continued what she was doing.

"Can we talk about something else now?"

"Yes we can talk about something else." She took her index finger and used it to turn Liv attention away from her laptop and toward her. She melted at the sight of Liv big brown eyes staring right back at her. Her thumb traced over her cheek admiring the girl in front of her.

"You're so beautiful baby girl." She mumbled capturing Liv's lips in a soft kiss. The laptop slowly fell from Liv's lap as Mellie shifted her body so that they were now on the couch instead of the floor. She never once broke the kiss. Liv's hands were tangled in the girls hair as their kiss began to get more heated.

Mellie's kisses slowly began trailing down Liv's neck. She slowly kissed, licked and sucked over her neck making sure to leave some sort of mark there. Liv was too discombabulated to stop her. She was slowly grining herself onto Mellie trying to realese some of the pressure she was feeling in her lower area. A deep moan escaped her causing her to grio onto Mellie tigher than she was before. The shorter girls hands began to roam over Mellie's body stopping on her bottom.

Mellie chuckled suductivly allowing her hand to also roam over Liv's breast. She let out a moan, "M-Mellie."

She paused making eye contact with Olivia. She knew that she was gonna tell her to stop but if she were being honest she really didn't want to. She wanted her, right then. It was clear Olivia wanted it too.

Liv hands slowly rose from Mellie's bottom to the issue of her shirt where she began to unclip her bra. "Make love to me baby."


The two girl laid on the couch with Mellie playing in Liv's hair. To say Liv was glowing was an understatement. She was luminating the room. "I have been waiting for that for so long you have no idea." Mellie pecked her over her forehead showering her face with loving pecks.

Liv giggled taking Mellie's face into her hands bringing her lips down to hers. She couldn't help but giggle as she was kissing Mellie expecially because Mellie's fingers were running up and down her side.

"Babe stop! I'm trying to give you some lovin' okay?" Both girls broke out in laughter at eachother. When the laughter died down the both sat in comfortable silence just content with being in each others presence.

After a while Mellie broke the silence. "What are you going to do with the office?" Liv kissed over Mellie's chest thinking over her answer before she said it.

"I was going to give it to you."

Mellie chuckled, "You already gave me half of it."

"Well see? You own half of it that means no matter who I give it to you have control over it too. You can protect my baby from all the monsters out there."

Mellie giggled ruffling her girls hair. "OPA is your baby?"

"You damn right! And it shall be treated with the utmost care. It's not that I don't trust the guys with it but I know you and Abby will defiantly take care of her. I love that broke down building."

Mellie couldn't help but laugh at her statement. It was cute to her. It showed that even though OPA wasn't necessarily her main dream she still loved it with everything in her. "So you're really gonna go for your own restaurant."

Liv nodded making direct eye contact with Mellie's blue eyes. "I'm more so leaning toward a bakery though. My mom loved sweets."

A warm feeling fell over Mellie. She pulled Liv in closer to her. "I'll take OPA." She mumbked into Liv's curly hair which for some reason she just couldn't stop messing with.

Liv cupped Mellie's face pecking over her lips. She stared dreamily into her girlfriends eyes cracking a small smile.

"I Love You."

She had finally said those magical words after holding them in for so long and it felt so good to finally get it out. Mellie smiled onto the girls lips.

"I Love You Too." She embraced her in a kiss only pulling back to finish her sentence. "And I'm so proud of you." Their moment ofcourse didn't last long because Purla's small body catapulted onto theirs out of nowhere!

"No! Purla mommy is naked right now!" Liv screamed in horror as Purla happily licked over her face. She rested her furry body onto both of despite Liv clear horror.

Mellie couldn't help her loud obnoxious laughter. "This is going to be so awkward when we have to get up. Booty and Boobs everywhere!"

Liv's face of horror only made Mellie laugh harder.

"Babe you're horriable!"

Snow DaysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora