Chapter 11:Merry Christmas Part 2

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Abby, Harrison, Stephan, Huck, and Quinn all came crowding in Liv apartment. They were surprised to see Liv sprawled out on the floor with her hair all over the place.

"I don't even wanna know what you guys were doing?" Harrison coverednhis face and went toward the couch were he plopped his whole body down. Liv giggled rolling over on her stomach.

"We were about to have hard core sex." She watched as everyone's faces contorted except for Abby's who looked very interested. Mellie's face burnt bright red as she joined liv back on the floor.

Huck groaned, "Really?"

Liv chuckled along with Mellie, "No. But your faces were hilarious!" Liv rolled over standing to her feet along with Mellie. The girls immediately went into the kitchen where they began to get everything ready for diner.

"Come on! Let's eat! I'm starving! Get you asses up here!" Mellie called from the kitchen. The gang immediately made their way into the kitchen smelling all the good food.

"I want the first plate!" Stephan yelled. He bum rushed through everyone trying to be the first for everyone completely disregarding the fact that he had stepped on everyone's toes.

Once he was finished he turned to face the others who were all looking at him through narrowed eyes. "Your turn!" He cackled pushing through them toward the table.

"I hope you choke on a turkey bone." Abby sneered thumping him on the back of the head.


After they all ate dinner they crowded in the living room to open presents. Of course everyone had their respectable snacks but Liv noticed Abby had a entertainment tray in her hands and immediately went to take it.

"Oh! There's only nuts.. Abigail... Really?" Everyone looked between them not understanding what was wrong. She chuckled handing the tray back to her.

"Abby... I'm allegic to nuts!" She couldn't help the laughter that left her mouth. Mellie shook her head taking the tray and placing it on the kitchen table.

"I'm not gonna lie. I forgot you were allergic to nuts too!" She playfully stuck her tongue out to everyone in the room as she made her way to their Christmas tree where all the presents were.

"What if I would have ate a nut? Then what? My throat would have closed up and every single one of you would panic."

Harrison chuckled, "You'd panic too Liv."

"No, I would be too focused on trying not to die." She got comfortable under the tree becoming the others to join her. But none of them got up which confused her.

"Its present time guys." She pointed toward the tree filled with presents underneath.

Stephan was the first to speak up with his thick accent, "Look love its not that we don't want to sit with you... It's just that we have no idea what you and Mellie were doing on that floor and we don't want to find out quite frankly."

Both Mellie and Liv groaned and rolled their eyes playfully.

She picked up the first present she saw and called it out. "Whatever! Okay! First present is from me and its for Huck." She tossed him the present and watched as he shook the box trying to find out what was inside.

Mellie who had just joined Liv on the floor playfully teased, "You know if you'd just open it already you wouldn't have to shake it. Stop being extra." He quicly flipped her the bird and she wasted no time returning it.

It was no secret that Huck and Mellie and the weirdest relationship its like they hated eachother but loved eachother at the same time. Liv shook her head sighing, "I'll never understand you two."

Finally Huck began to open the present. Everyone watched as his face lit up in excitement. "Liv! It's Madonna!" He held up a autographed picture of Madonna for everyone to see. "Oh my god! Liv I love you!"

"I know! I love me too!" She blew him a kiss laughing as she moved on to the next present. "Okay Abigal! Your turn- and please don't shake this... It might break." She carefully passed the present over to Abby.

"I think I know what this is and if it is I'm gonna love you forever!" She ripped open the package like a savage beast in excitement. The scream that left her mouth caused Stephan and Quinn who were sitting next to her to cover their ears.

"It's my snow globe! Liv you literally just helped me finish my collection!" Everyone knew that Abby collected snow globes and she was having trouble finding this last one. Mostly because it was super rare but lucky for her Liv made a few deals and she was able to get it for her.

"If you weren't so far away I'd suficate you with a hug." She shook the globe and watched as the white snow washed around. It was beautiful. She understood why Abby liked them so much.

It was then Mellie's turn to give some of her presents. "Okay so my present is for Harrison." It wasn't a box it was in a bag so instead of tossing it to him she simply got up to give it to him.

"I hope you like it. It was so hard finding you a present. I almost didn't get you anything but the Jesus in me said don't be an asshole so I got something I thought you'd might enjoy."

She gave him a cocky smile before going back to sit next to Liv. He skeptically opened the bag and was surprised to see a all gold movado watch. "Wow! Mel you do have a heart!"

"What ever Harry!"

They went on exchanging gifts until it was Liv's turn. Abby went first mostly because Mellie wanted to wait until later. "Okay so I found something of yours in some old stuff I have and I think you'd love it... Hopefully."

She hands her the present and quickly goes to sit next to Stephan. Liv leaned into Mellie as she began to open her birthday present. She had the biggest smile on her face then suddenly her expression went blank.

There was no emotion present just a blank stare. "You like it?" Abby asked nervously.

Olivia tightly griped the wrapping paper that she was holding as she held back the tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Why? Why would you give me this?" Mellie took a quick glance at the present and gasped.

"Aw Liv. I thought you'd like it. You have no pictures of them anywhere, I thought..."

She finally looked up at Abby her eyes filled with both rage and grief. "I don't have pictures because I don't want to see them. Did you ever think about that Abby? That I don't want to see my parents. They're dead damn it!"

She tossed the box away from her sending the picture of her parents on the floor. Along with the picture were a couple of her mothers little nick nakes. "No!" Liv mumbled but only Mellie could hear her.

Mellie went to wrap her arms around her but she pulled away. What started off as a nice funny day quickly turned into a nightmare for Olivia. They all had thought she had gotten over it but clearly she hadn't.

She felt as if her lungs weren't getting enough breath as flashbacks of that night flashed through her head. Her eyes were stinging of unshed tears but before they could fall she got up and ran to her room slamming the door and locking it behind her.

Everyone was left silent as they heard very suttle thuds come from the back room then out of nowhere something slammed into the door before they heard Liv let out a loud cry.

Mellie looked toward the others in complete shock. She turned her attention toward the picture. It was her and her parents at her 12th birthday party. Her mom had just smeared cake over her face and her dad caputured it right in the moment.

"Shit." She mumbled running toward the back room.

To Be Continued...

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