Chapter 12:Merry Christmas Part 3

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Mellie approached the door with caution. The closer she got to the door the more audible Olivia's weeps were. She knocked on the door but Liv didn't answer she just continued to weep.

"Baby come on. Open the door." Just hearing her weeps made Mellie tear up. She hated hearing Liv struggle and not being able to help her. She knew what she was going through. They'd been down that road before. Pretty soon Liv would cry herself to sleep then wake up again crying from a nightmare, just like always.

She heard reluctant footsteps from behind her. She took a quick glance behind her to see Abby slowly walking forward. "I'm sorry." She mumbled avoiding eye contact.

"I thought she was ready. I was wrong I guess." Mellie simply nodded turning her attention toward Olivia who's sobs had somewhat gotten softer and less violent. Then surprisingly she heard the lock of the door pop.

Mellie slowly opened the door. She took two steps in before she saw Liv laid out on the floor her face buried in her arms. "Oh baby girl." She croached down next to her kicking the door closed with her foot.

"I ruined Christmas didn't I?" She sobbed clinging onto Mellie. Her face was buried in her chest as Mellie gently rocked her back and forth randomly shushing her like you would a baby.

She pecked her over her head, "Nah. You just weren't ready to see them. I get it."

"You're not mad at me?"

Dumbfounded by her question she stopped rocking and looked down at her crying girlfriend. "Why would I be?"

It took a while for her to answer mostly because she was still crying and sniffling but when she finally spoke it broke her heart.

"Cause I'm a cry baby."

Shs began to rock her again holding her a tad bit tighter than before. "No you're not. Noone in this apartment has gone through the loss of parents only you, so you cry and scream as long as you want."

Soon those sniffles subsided and were replaced with her gentle snores. Mellie made no attempt to move she just wanted to hold her. She wanted to let her know she was safe and loved. She got comfortable on the ground sitting up against the dresser behind her. She fingued she'd be in there for a while until she knew Liv was sleeping peacefully.

Then a small knock was heard at the door which seemed to make Liv flinch and groan in her sleep. Her face scrunched momentarily before going back to normal. Mellie snapped her head towards the door seeing everyone crowded in the doorway. She signaled for them to be quite before standing up with Liv in her arms and placing her on the bed.

She laid another small kiss on her forehead before she escorted the others out of the room and into the hallway. "She's fine. Give her time to wake up."


The gang sat in the living room giggling at one of Mellie's favorite Christmas movies "Home Alone." Abby was cuddled into Stephans arms while Huck and Quinn suprisingly were close as well.

Mellie sat in the couch with her feet up resting her head on her arm. Harrison in an attempt to annoy her smacked her arms sending her head right into the arm rest of the couch.

She gave him a sharp look as he laughed, "You're lucky it's Christmas otherwise I'd kick your ass all over this apartment." She went back to her original position turning her attention toward the TV screen.

In the corner of her eye she spotted a small hint of movement. Everyone apparently had seen it too. They all turned toward the hallway to see Olivia slowly walking toward Mellie while rubbing her eyes.

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