Chapter 26:Home

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After laying in her bed crying for God knows how long Liv rolled over still with her parents pillows between her arms. Now that she was there she didn't want to leave the bed. She felt like she was close to them again. Like for this one moment she could pretend they were still there and still with her in the world.

She knew when she got out of the bed she wouod have to go back to her reality and she didn't want to. She just wanted a moment to believe they were there with her and not flying around in heaven somewhere. For that moment they were alive, she would give herself that luxury, if only for a moment.

And so she did. She closed her eyes and for a moment they were alive to her. Probably calling for her to do something. She took a moment for herself then opened her eyes. She got up from the bed remaking it. Then she went over the the window and pulled back the curtains letting a little light shine through.

She was suprised to see that it had stopped snowing. With that in mind she made a quick decision. She trotted down the stairs and scoooed up Purla who was thoroughly licking her paw.

She headed straight to her car driving to her parents cemetery. She hadn't seen them since their funeral and she almost didn't even go to that. She pulled up to the cemetery parking her car and heading over the their gravestones. She couldn't believe she remebered where they were.

She scooped Purla into her arms slwoly approaching her parents. The sun was out which she saw as some sort of sign from them. They were buried right beside eachother. She read their stones before kneel in down in front of them.

She sat flat on her bottom facing them both not worrying at all about the snow and being cold.

"Hey Ma, Hi Daddy. It's been a while huh? You're probably mad at me for not visiting I bet."

She gently pet Purla which kept her calm.

"I'm so sorry. It's my fault, I know alot of people tell me it's not but I know it's my fault. I'm the reason you're gone. If I hadn't-" She stopped for a moment to wipe a tear from her eyes.

"Anyway, I wanted to come see you. I miss you guys so much."

She sniffled a bit staring down at her parents tombstones. "You'd be proud of me I think. I got a bakery Ma and I got myself a girlfriend. I love her so much. You guys would love her too, I know you would."

She paused for a moment trying to get her breathing together, "She's amazing. Her name is Melody. I wish you could meet her, you'd see why I love her so much. I'm gonna marry her one day, but I'm scared because...who am I gonna invite to my wedding?"

She shook her head as tears poured from her eyes. "No family. Who's gonna walk me down the aisle? I have nobody. I have very close friends's not the same. I always thought you guys would be here."

Purla licked the inside of Liv's palm causing her to look down at the little fur ball. Liv smiled down at her.

"This little cutie is Purla. I named her because of Mom, sorry Dad, maybe next time I'll give another pet a special little name of yours. You think that'll be cool?"

She reached out gently running her fingers over the wordings on the tombstones. "I really wanna make you proud. I really hope you're proud of me. I try really hard everyday to make you happy."

"It took me a really long time to get here. 14 years to be exact. I promise I won't abandon you anymore. I'll visit more."

A small song escaped her mouth as she seeped put the words, "I love you." Her hands covered her face as she silently cried. She didn't even hear the faint footsteps coming up from behind her. Only when a soft hand laid on her shoulder did she look up to see a random woman who seemed to be passing by.

Liv looked up at the woman wiping away her tears. "They're in a better place you know. I guarantee they're proud of you." With that the lady walked away continuing to walk until she found the person she was looking for.

Assuming the woman heard her talking she nodded before standing to her feet places kisses on her parents stones before hearing back to her car with Purla trotting beside her.

She went back to her parents house taking it upon herself to clean it up a bit since dust had formed on some of the furniture. She made sure to put everything back where it belonged but she thouroughly cleaned the house before leaving.

She looked at the house one last time before pulling out of the driveway. As she drove with Purla sitting in the passenger seat she thought maybe, just maybe, she might want to move back home.

:) Hope you found this some what enjoyable. I figured it's time to work on Liv for a bit. I already have the next chapter planned out so it shouldn't take long to get it up!

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