Chapter 25:Stepping Back Into The Past

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As soon as Liv stepped off the plane she was greeted with the cold air of Boston Massachusetts. She welcomed it while heartedly missing she snow beneath her ring feet.

The snow crunched beneath their feet something Like found hilarious.

"Liv babe, why is snow so funny to you all of a sudden?"

She giggled adorably watching the snow fall. "Nothing, I'm just a little smitten."

She looked up watching the snow flakes fall from ghe sky woth the cutest of smiles acroos her face. It didn't take long for them to pick up Purla and head home. Liv unlocked the door to her apartment while Mellie went inside her own.

As soon as she stepped foot in the place she went straight to her bed callapsing on the soft sheets with Purla right beside her. The puppy let out a small faint bark as she cuddled her small body next to Liv. It was good to be back home. She really missed the cold air and to be honest being around Mellie's family made her think quite a bit. Mostly about her own family, it had been years since she had spoken to her Aunt and cousin, who took her in after her parents but it wasn't like they actually wanted her there but none the less they took her in and she was grateful for that atleast.

Maybe it was time she reached out to her family? What's the worst that could happen?


1 Week Later:

Mellie and Liv stepped foot into the finished product of the bakery. The paint was finished the furniture was in place. It was beautiful. It felt welcoming which is exactly what Liv wanted.

"People are gonna love this place. Don't you think?" Mellie looked down at Liv when she didn't give an automatic answer. She looked dazed, lost in thought.

"It's missing something."

Mellie snickered a little, "What do you mean Liv? It has everything you wanted?"

Still looking around the place with the same blank expression Liv said once again. "It's missing something." She couldn't pin point exactly what but she knew something was missing. It was missing that extra pop that made it special.

Mellie's soft lips came in contact with her cheek snapping her out of her thoughts. "Well you'll figure it out. You'll be ready by the Grand Opening. I bet you that."

A warm smile creeped upon Liv's face as Mellie wrapped her in her arms and left out of the bakery making sure to lock it behind them. On the way home Liv couldn't help but think about the nagging feeling she had been having since she stepped into the bakery.

It was like someone was trying to tell her something but she couldn't quite understand what was going on. She had this feelings but didn't know what it was. Ofcourse she didn't want to worry Mellie so she kept her feelings to herself laughing along with Mellie's jokes and driving around the town with her.

She was there but not there at the same time. There physically but gone mentally. Finally when it came time for them to head back home Liv stopped Mellie from going inside.

"Babe, I'm gonna take a little trip somewhere okay?" Mellie looked down at Liv not really understanding what was wrong with her. She was fine until she arrived at the bakery earlier that day.

Her soft hand gently moved her curls away from her face exposing her troubled expression. "Do you want me to come with you?"

She shook her head enclosing Mellie's hand in her own. She brought the hand up to her lips pecking it repeatedly. "No, I need to be alone for this. I think."

Mellie nodded excepting her answer. She placed a soft kiss on her forehead before disappearing into their apartment building. Liv now alone in the cold went straight to her car. She knew exactly where she was going and why she needed to go there.

Before she could pull out of the parking lot Mellie came trotting back out with none other than Purla in her arms. Liv rolled down the window gleefully taking her puppy in her arms.

"I figure you'd need a little company." Mellie leaned in taking Liv's lips in a soft kiss.

"I love you Mel, thanks."

"I love you too. Now go and hurry back."


She had been driving for a while opting to take the long way instead of the quick way. She took a glance at Purla to see her curled up in the passenger seat staring curiously at the radio in front of her.

Liv felt her heart sink into the pit of her stomach as she turned into what she used to call her little home town. She pulled into the driveway of her childhood home. The home she had with her parents. She sat in the car with the lights still on debating whether or not to go in or turn around. It has been years since she even saw her home let alone step inside of it.

Some how she worked up enough energy to turn off her car and step out of her car. Purla stood to her feet trotting her little body over the dash board and into Liv's arms.

The cold winters air pushed Liv to move toward the front door. Almost immediately flashbacks came back to her causing her to gasp loudly. The cars screeching, the loud thud, the glass, everything. With a shakey hand she took the house key and unlocked the door still standing outside.

She remembered the day her Aunt told her she had inherited her parents house. She was both happy and devastated. She didn't want to step foot into the place let alone have it belong to her but then again she felt like she had a piece of them.

She pushed the door open flicking on the light right next to the door. Everything was still in the same place. Nothing had been moved at all. Pictures of her family were everywhere. Them smiling like they had no cares in the world.

She laid Purla down on the floor as he eyes slowly grazed around her home landing on the staircase. Still with shakey hands she made her way up the staircase, her eyes landing on every little thing she saw. She didn't know where she was going she just let her legs lead her until she stopped right in front of her parents bedroom.

She went to open the door only to flinch back like it was a disease. Instead she went over to her old room creaking the door open. It was still the same. Everything was still just like she left it years ago.

The first things her eyes landed on was the Christmas present she had forgot to grab for her mom. She didn't remember she forgot it until after everything had happened. She felt like crap for months. She didn't even come back home to retrieve it or anything for that matter.

She picked up the box opening it. She smiled seeing the Purl jewelry she had saved up for to get her. It took a whole years worth of allownce to afford that gift. She knew her mom would have loved it.

With the box in her hand she exited her room going right back to her parents room. This time she opened the door stepping inside. Almost instantly her moms scent filled the room. She fell to her knees gripping the side of the bed her mom slept on.

Tears began to pour from her eyes uncontrollably.

"...Mommy." She weeped burying her face in the sheets. She crawled up in their bed laying right in the middle. With her face buried in the sheets cuddled up with the pillows on the bed that still smelled like her parents.

Okay!!!!!! Sory for the delay. It's been hard trying to write but I think I'm good now!!! Hope you liked the chapter :)

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