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dan howell bit his tongue hard enough that he tasted blood. he pulled his brown shoulder bag closer to himself, shifting to get a better stance.

the bus smelled bad and he scrunched his nose, his rose colored lips pressed together. it smelled like a doctor's office.

dan hated doctors.

anyone who would have looked at him right then would have seen a pale boy with skinny hips, wearing an oversized navy sweatshirt and pants that covered his figure, the hood pulled over his chocolate hair. his coffee eyes were hollowed out, and a bit red from crying, and he was swaying a bit because no matter how bumpy the road was he refused to touch the assumably filthy bus pole.

his eyes were downcast, his hands shoved in his pockets. dan howell was the physical representation of a stormy day when you'd rather be outside, or at the beach, falling in love and listening to music too loudly. he was the default, and it was clear he knew it.

dan sighed, biting his lip and glancing out the window as the bus came to a stop. he pushed past the other people in the vehicle, shrinking away from their gazes.

the bus had stopped in front of a large, old looking building. dan shook his head, his jaw tightening. what in the world had given his parents the impression that sending him to a school far away, by himself, would make him better? if anything he felt even more isolated. he cursed under his breath, starting towards the main building.

there were posters everywhere, and several students milling around, handing out things. dan avoided their eyes. he didn't really want to talk to anyone right then, and he felt like they probably wouldn't want to talk to him either. he was arriving late, it would be difficult if not impossible for him to make friends.

he went up the steps slowly, looking up at the building. it was huge, and shadowy.

dan was shaking.

the large door led to a lobby, with hallways on either side and a desk at the center. dan assumed that was where he should sign in, and get his room assignment. and his roommate. his head clouded over; he dreaded meeting the person he would have to spend the rest of the year near, but never with. an empty friendship.

dan started towards it, dodging some vintage velvet couches, but paused when he heard voices from the left hall, echoing through the room.

"god, phil, you're such a fuckin' moron."

dan hesitated, listening carefully to decide if he didn't want to come into contact with them.

"no, i'm not!" the other boy, (phil, presumably), defended. "it was a good idea."

"no one wants baked goods." the boy who had been speaking as well as the other emerged into the lobby. the first boy had longer hair, a bit tangled and chestnut colored. phil, presumably, had jet black hair, messy and falling in his face. they were both wearing football jackets. dan nearly groaned out loud.

"yes, they do," phil huffed. his lips were a bit pouty, his eyebrows furrowed. "who doesn't want baked goods?"

the other guy shook his hair, chuckling. "you're damaged."

they both noticed dan at the same time, and phil's face brightened.

"you-!" he nearly rushed over to him, the other boy looking extremely bored and a bit fed up, trailing after him. "you," he repeated once he was near. dan's eyes widened. "you like cookies, right?"


"enough to convince you to join a club...?" the boys eyes were so bright, a crystalline blue. it was like dan couldn't look away... but maybe he was just frozen in fear.

"w-what kind of club?" dan asked despite himself. he blinked; where did that come from?

phil didn't answer, he turned back to the other boy. "see, liam?"

liam rolled his eyes. "whatever," he muttered, turning away. "have fun with your new pastry loving best friend."

phil turned back to him, and dan bit his lip, hugging himself.

"what's your name?" he asked, his voice radiating warmth. dan hesitated.

"dan," he said finally. phil searched his face.

"i'm phil," he said, holding out his hand. dan ignored it, and after a moment he dropped it to his side again. "nice to meet you." he frowned. "you're new...?"

dan nodded slowly. phil beamed.

"cool, i'll show you around. have you che-"

"no, thank you," dan said abruptly, cutting him off. his skin was itching. phil blinked, clearly surprised.


"i said no thank you," dan mumbled, looking away. "i can show myself around."

and with that he pushed past him, towards another year of hell, not wanting to look at his smiling face a second longer.

a/n - what'd u think?

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