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tyler kept his hood up all day at school. it was a desperate attempt to hide the black eye and other bruises he'd gained.

"you look like a creep," josh joked, holding out a sandwich to the brunette.

tyler shook his head.

"i made it for you."

he sighed, slowly taking the sandwich and bringing it to his lips. he ate at a snails pace, wanting to savor the peanut butter and jelly.

"so did something happen last night?" josh lowered his voice, suddenly turning serious.

tyler brought his shoulders up in a shrug.

"why didn't you call me?"

"didn't want to bother you," tyler mumbled. he suddenly lost his appetite, setting the sandwich down on the table.

"eat," josh ordered.

"not hungry."

josh picked up the sandwich, holding it against tyler's lips until they eventually parted. josh fed tyler the rest of the sandwich, wiping the crumbs from his hands onto his jeans.

"anyway, back to what i was saying. it's not a bother ty, really. if you need me, i'm here," josh spoke softly, holding onto the boy's hand like he did yesterday.

their eyes met, tyler shyly holding his gaze.

"you promise?"

"of course. you're my best friend. i love you, you could never bother me."

"i love you too."

"now, do you see that girl over there?"

tyler held in a sigh, slightly upset at the sudden topic change.

"uh huh," he replied, looking at the girl with fiery red hair josh was pointing to.

"isn't she hot?"

tyler nodded. she was stunning. she was way more beautiful than tyler would ever be.

"her name's debby. i have almost every class with her. i think i'm in love," he joked.

tyler didn't think it was funny. not when his heart had just been shattered into tiny pieces.

"y-you love her?"

"well i don't even know her so consider it love at first sight."

tyler thought he knew what real pain felt like but he didn't until he saw the way josh looked at her. he noticed the way josh smiled when he talked about her. he noticed the way his eyes grew bright, looking as if he was lost in his own world. tyler was jealous. he'd wanted josh to feel this way towards him forever.

"cool," the brunette mumbled, pulling his hood tighter around his face.

"i'm gonna make a move on her."

"cool," tyler repeated, letting his head drop against the lunch table. it was easier to pretend like
he didn't care than to admit it was killing him.

he clutched at the edges of his hoodie, blinking back the hot tears that burned his eyes. he couldn't stop thinking.

josh was going to leave him. josh was going to love her more. josh was going to forget about him. tyler was going to be all alone. tyler couldn't be alone. he needed josh.

he had four words on the tip of his tongue, but couldn't work up the courage to say them aloud. instead, he repeated them over and over again in his mind as if josh could somehow hear.

"don't leave me alone."

Just Friends //joshler&bryler [✔]Where stories live. Discover now