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rule 1. eat every meal

rule 2. talk with me when you're upset

rule 3. don't degrade yourself

rule 4. don't compare me to josh

rule 5. let me take care of you

punishments: no movies, no cuddles, or no going out

"am i a child or something?" tyler muttered, reading over the paper.

"no, and i'm not trying to treat you like one. this is the best way to get you better again."

"there's nothing wrong with me," tyler argued.

"i should add "don't argue" on that list," brendon rolled his eyes.

"you think there's something wrong with me..?" tyler frowned, a hurt expression forming on his face.

"no, not like that. i just think you're... a little broken. there's nothing wrong with that."


"yes, t. how're you feeling right now?"



"i don't know."

"are you sure?"

tyler nodded.

in reality, he wasn't just nervous. he was fucking terrified.

he knew he was falling for brendon. he felt it deep in his heart. every time he received a little praise or compliment, his heart fluttered. when brendon touched him, he got butterflies. when they cuddled, he felt secure.

now that they had this rule thing going on, tyler realized he was in too deep to back out. he cared about brendon just as much as brendon cared about him. he was so scared he would get hurt again. he tried to convince himself that no, he won't get hurt, because this is brendon. brendon is not josh.

brendon is not josh.

and that's okay.

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