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a week and a couple days passed until it was finally tyler's 18th birthday.

his bruises had been fading, his cuts had been healing. he'd started eating more, even eating snacks in between meals. brendon's rules really helped the boy.

"happy birthday!" brendon said in a sing-song voice, waking the brunette up.

"unh," he groaned, rolling over on top of brendon.

"rise and shine, sleepy head. it's your birthday!"

"five more minutes..."

"i'll let you have cake for breakfast."

tyler instantly shot out of bed, cold air hitting his bare skin. he'd started growing a lot more comfortable around brendon. he got comfortable with switching his hoodie for a t-shirt, sleeping in a t-shirt and his boxers.

"what are we waiting for?! let's go eat cake!"

brendon laughed, following tyler as he ran out into the kitchen. he lifted himself up to sit at the island as brendon pulled out the birthday cake he made himself.

it was vanilla with strawberry frosting and had the words "happy birthday t" written in cursive. tyler counted 18 candles circling the words.

brendon lit them up, singing for tyler and announcing to make a wish.

the boy shut his eyes, thinking for a moment, before finally blowing the candles out all in one breath.

"cake time!" brendon announced, making tyler laugh.

he cut tyler a small piece, knowing the boy didn't have that big of an appetite. however, he cut himself a huge one.

after breakfast, brendon took tyler out to play in the snow. the mainly just threw snowballs at each other until tyler's nose went numb. they returned inside.

brendon held the small boy as they watched his new favorite movie, monsters inc. tyler snuggled into the older, heart thudding against his ribcage. he had a few words on the tip of his tongue, debating with himself on whether to say them or not.

"brendon," he spoke suddenly, before he could lose courage.


"i think i love you."

brendon shifted his gaze from the movie to the cute boy that sat in his lap. he seemed to shrink under brendon's stare.

"you do?"

"uh huh, please don't hate me."

"i don't hate you, t. i'm so proud of you."


"uh huh, you're starting to get over he-who-shall-not-be-named."

"you don't love me back?" tyler frowned, eyes falling to his lap.

brendon softly grabbed his chin, raising his head to look him in the eyes. he leaned in, placing a soft kiss against the boy's lips.

tyler fucking died.

he couldn't believe what was happening. brendon was kissing him. it felt amazing. so amazing, in fact, that he forgot to kiss back.

"sorry..." brendon mumbled.

"do it again," tyler whispered.

the older smiled, hands holding the back of tyler's head as he kissed him again. the breath was taken right out of his lungs. he kissed back this time, head tilting as it deepened.

the best part?

josh didn't once cross his mind.

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