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of course it was tyler's dad.

of course.

that's just his luck.

a wave of pain surged through him as a fist connected with his jaw, knocking him out. his dad wasted no time in stuffing him into the trunk of his car. he drove home, swerving and speeding thanks to the alcohol in his system.

tyler was awake when they got home. he grabbed a fistful of tyler's hair, dragging him out of the trunk and into the house.

tyler's heart was racing. this was it. his dad was going to fucking kill him, he knew it. he'd be surprised if he didn't.

"where the fuck have you been, bitch?" he spat, shoving tyler into the wall.

"don't fucking touch me!" tyler shot back, taking his dad by surprise.

"think you're fucking tough? you're nothing! you're worthless!"

"no i'm not," tyler mumbled, earning a fist to his eye. his vision went blurry.

"i wish you were fucking dead!" his dad screamed, calloused fingers wrapping around the boy's neck.

tyler was so scared. this was just like the nightmare he had.

"don't fucking leave this house ever again! if i find you missing again i'll hunt your ass down myself. i'm sure you wouldn't want that."

tyler shook his head, gasping for air as his father gripped his throat. he was sure it would leave bruises.

"fucking pathetic," his dad laughed.

he released his grip on the brunette's throat, only to throw a punch at his mouth. tyler's lip instantly split open, blood spilling onto the ground below them.

"i should fucking kill you."

his dad was livid. he was certain he'd never seen him so angry before.

he punched tyler in the stomach, the ribs, the head. when tyler tried to protect himself, his arm was spun behind his back, twisted in an awful way that made him scream.

"s-stop!" he begged, tears flowing freely.

"you deserve this!"

tyler knew he didn't. he tried to fight back, but was still too weak.

he screamed again as his arm was twisted further. he heard a snap as another wave of pain surged through him, making him emit another blood-curdling scream.

his father finally let go of him. he quickly brought his wrist in front of him, eyeing the way the bone poked at his skin. that wasn't supposed to happen. his dad broke his wrist.

"i hate you!" tyler regrettably screamed.

he got pushed to the ground, taking a merciless boot to the back, to his head, to his ribs. he was certain they'd finally been broken.

"you are to never leave again!" his dad screamed in his face. "got it?!"

tyler nodded.

his dad left him on the floor, broken all over again.

Just Friends //joshler&bryler [✔]Where stories live. Discover now