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luckily, tyler's dad wasn't home. he'd escaped a beating this time. he was probably out buying more heroin, but tyler tried to suppress the thought.

he collapsed onto his bed, eyes growing heavy. he couldn't take his mind off of the red-haired boy he loved. why was he acting so different? should tyler be worried? well, tyler was always worried.

he knew what was going to happen. debby was going to replace him. josh already loved her more. she was an angel compared to tyler. there were so many things wrong with him. he bet debby's life was perfect, just like josh's. he was going to lose someone that wasn't even his.

he couldn't even begin to imagine how bad he'd get without josh. the redhead was the only source of happiness for tyler. and now, debby was going to take that away from him.

he swung his legs over the bed, craving for something to take his mind off the two. he slowly entered the bathroom, feeling like his heart was in his throat. he knew he shouldn't do it, but he didn't care.

he grabbed a blade from under the sink, turning the sharp metal in his slender fingers. he deserved this. his dad thought so. josh probably did too.

tyler brought the blade down against his wrist, an empty expression sat on his face. that's exactly how he felt, empty. even when the blood began to spill, tyler didn't stop. he hadn't done this in so long. it felt so good.

he made three cuts, four cuts, five. he didn't stop until he was too focused on the pain to think about josh. he threw the blade in the sink, letting the blood cascade down his arm and into the drain.

tyler didn't think this was bad. it was a lot better than what his father was doing. he was terrified of drugs. a blade? not so much.

he eventually grew bored of standing there, so he started cleaning himself up. he winced as the cool water from the sink hit his skin. he dabbed at the cuts, deciding to wrap them in gauze just so he could go lay down. he wanted to sleep.

he curled into his bed, the comforter pooling around his small frame. he shut his eyes, letting the sweet release of sleep take over him.


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