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after brendon left for work, tyler finally got time to himself.

he walked through the house, wanting to get familiar with where everything was. he stopped when there was nothing else left to find, plopping himself down on the leather loveseat in the living room.

he left the tv off, wanting to run through everything that was going on.

he'd ran away from home.

he didn't have to get beat everyday.

he left his ex-bestfriend who he was still in love with behind with some asshole of a girl that probably didn't even love him.

that stung a little.

but on the other hand, he had a roof over his head, a nice man to feed him, and the start of a new friendship.

brendon was absolutely amazing. tyler was so thankful he didn't pressure him into talking about things he wasn't comfortable with sharing. he wanted to tell him eventually, he just figured it was too soon. he might get himself kicked out.

josh was still on tyler's mind a lot. tyler longed for the redhead's embrace. he longed to hear his laugh, to see his smile, to breathe in his scent. he would kill to feel josh's soft touches on his knees or his hands again. he wondered how he was doing. he wondered if he even knew he ran away. he probably didn't even notice.

tyler knew his dad was probably angry. he didn't have a punching bag anymore. he was probably worried tyler was off telling on him. the thought made tyler smirk. for once, his dad was probably frightened because of him.

tyler went and retrieved the picture of josh from his backpack, returning to the spot on the loveseat. he stared at the picture, josh's hair dyed purple in it.

just seeing a picture of the boy made tyler's heart ache. he loved him so damn much, and hated himself for it. why couldn't he just get over him already? josh was no good for tyler. he knew it, but it didn't stop the aching in his chest.

he missed his best friend. he missed mario kart, watching the notebook, being held, hanging out at taco bell. he'd had so many memories with josh, only for him to be thrown to the curb like a bag of trash. maybe that's all he was to josh.

he was a bag of trash. just the sight of him was repulsive. everything about him made others avoid him.

no, stop. not brendon. brendon cared about tyler.

he tried to get that through his head.

brendon cared about him.

brendon wasn't disgusted by him.

brendon took him in.

brendon would be the new josh.

no, that's bad. don't think about josh. don't compare brendon to josh.

tyler groaned, slapping his palms against his forehead repeatedly. he needed something to distract him while he waited for brendon to get home.

he curled up on the loveseat, clutching the picture of josh in his hand. tyler shut his eyes, staring at the back of his eyelids until he eventually fell asleep.


guys be honest with me would anyone read if I made a spam book? cuz i want to rant and talk and have you guys get to know me more but i'm scared no one will care lol oops

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