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josh sat with debby at lunch again.

tyler sat alone, watching them the whole time. he couldn't help but think that they were talking about him. they would whisper to each other and occasionally glance over at him.

the brunette messed with the sleeves on his hoodie, the constant ache in his stomach growing worse. he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

josh❤️: can we skip last period?

ty😋: for what?

josh❤️: want you to come to my house

tyler smiled. maybe he wouldn't be replaced after all.

ty😋: sure

he put his phone away and glanced up at josh, who was already looking at him. he waved to tyler, but something seemed wrong. josh looked upset.

tyler mouthed "you okay?" to which josh nodded and turned his attention back to debby.


tyler left his shoes at the front door. he followed josh up to his room. the brunette could only imagine what they'd be doing right now if they were together. the house was empty except for the two of them.

"why'd you want me to come over?" tyler asked.

"i figured it would be better than having you come over after school."

"oh, good idea."

"how was school?"

tyler dropped his gaze to his lap. it sucked, especially with josh constantly at debby's side.

"it was fine."

"you're lying."

"no, it was fine. how was your day?"

"great," josh smiled, taking a seat next to tyler on his bed. "i really like debby."

"that's cool."

"you think everything is cool," josh laughed.

"do you tell debby about me?"

"what do you mean?" josh frowned. his hand came to rest on tyler's knee, making the small boy's heart thump rapidly.

"l-like about my dad..."

"of course not, ty. you think i would?"

tyler shrugged.

"well i wouldn't. you should know that."

"i'm sorry."

"it's fine, don't be sorry. are you hungry?"

tyler shook his head.

"yes you are, want some chicken nuggets?"


josh went to make some, leaving tyler alone in his room. tyler stood before the mirror, running his hands over the ribcage that jutted out of his hoodie. why did josh always try to get him to eat? didn't he understand that tyler wasn't hungry? would he like tyler more if he ate?

tyler felt tears prick at his eyes. he couldn't eat. he felt too sick in the head. he had no motivation to eat. josh wouldn't understand.

he slid his hoodie over his head, not expecting josh to be back up for a few minutes. his eyes roamed over the fresh cuts that tainted his scarred arm. he started crying. why couldn't josh understand? he was hurting tyler. how couldn't he see that? did he just not care?

"hey ty do you-" josh flew the door open but stopped mid sentence. his eyes trailed over tyler's broken skin. tyler cried harder, instinctively wrapping his arms around himself.


the fragile boy was sobbing, digging his blunt nails into his sides making crescent-shaped indents.

"d-don't look a-at me..."

"oh god ty, are you okay?"

josh took a step towards him. tyler stepped back.

"leave m-me alone! j-just stop!"

"stop what?"

"m-messing with me! stop a-acting like you c-care!"

"i do care..." josh frowned, stepping towards the boy again. this time, tyler stayed put.

"you're lying," the brunette mumbled.

"ty, i love-"

"stop!" tyler yelled, raising his hands to cover his ears.

"s-stop! you don't!"

josh didn't know what to do. he took slow steps towards the boy until he was in reaching distance. he slowly reached out, pulling the boy against his chest.

he never realized how boney tyler was.

he never realized how broken he was.

tyler sobbed into him, heart aching more than his stomach. josh thought he was a freak. he was going to scare josh off. josh hated him.

"did you hurt yourself, ty?"

tyler only cried harder.


tyler shook his head. he couldn't tell him. he wouldn't.

"tell me."


"tyler, tell me right now."

"i have to go home."

Just Friends //joshler&bryler [✔]Where stories live. Discover now