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brendon pounded on the bedroom door, begging for tyler to open it.

tyler stuffed his metal friend into his pocket, opening the door and staring at brendon.


"i know you're upset, and i'm sorry. want me to make breakfast?"

tyler wasn't hungry but he nodded, thankful brendon would have something to keep him distracted from the small boy. brendon went off into the kitchen, tyler sneaking into the bathroom.

he sat on the edge of the tub, pulling his jeans down to pool around his ankles. he lifted the edge of his boxers up, eyeing the scarred flesh.

he needed this.

this was his escape.

nobody would ever understand him. nobody would ever see josh the way he saw him. brendon couldn't even begin to understand how much pain tyler was in. he probably didn't even care. he just had to act like it to be nice. in reality, he probably wanted tyler far, far away from him.

tyler let a tear roll down his cheek. brendon hated him already. he ruined everything. anything good life gives him, tyler fucks it up.

the tears flowed now, tyler choking back a sob. he dragged the blade across his thigh, eyes shut tight from how bad it hurt. he'd ripped open a few wounds that weren't fully healed, leaving a huge gash behind.

"fuck..." he muttered, wiping the hot tears away with the backs of his hands.

he moved to a spot above his knee that had yet to be scarred. he dragged the blade across his skin over and over again, free hand covering his mouth so he wouldn't start sobbing.

there was suddenly a knock on the door, nearly giving tyler a heart attack.

"w-what?" he choked out, trying hard to keep his voice steady.

"are you crying?" brendon frowned.


"what're you doing?"


"don't lie to me."

"leave me alone."


"y-you promised you'd leave me alone when i asked... so l-leave me alone."

the air fell silent for a second before he heard brendon walk away. he let out a sigh of relief, quickly rushing around to clean up the mess he'd made.

he left the bathroom a few minutes later, his thigh burning every time he stepped with that leg. he tried to ignore it, forcing himself not to limp out to meet brendon in the kitchen.

"i made eggs and sausage."

"it's done already?"

"yeah, they don't take long."

tyler hoisted himself up on the stool at the island, glad he could take the pressure off his leg.

Just Friends //joshler&bryler [✔]Where stories live. Discover now