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to say tyler looked horrible is an understatement.

brendon had never seen him so pale. his eye was swollen shut, accompanied by a purple-yellow bruise. his lip was stitched shut. his wrist was encased in a purple cast. brendon could make out the finger-shaped bruises on his neck.

he could only imagine how he looked under the hospital gown.

tyler was fast asleep, but that didn't stop brendon from holding onto the brunette's hand.

he couldn't help but feel like this was somehow his fault.

"hello, sir," a doctor greeted, tearing brendon from his thoughts.


"are you related to tyler?"

"i'm his... boyfriend."

"ah, i see. well, we're going to have to keep tyler over night unfortunately."

"what happened?"

"the police found him half-dead, overdosed on tylenol," he started.

brendon could hear his heart thumping in his ears. what the hell happened last night?

"he has three broken ribs and a broken wrist, along with a concussion. his father was arrested on-sight."

"good," brendon mumbled, not taking his eyes off the small boy.

"he should be awake soon, he's been sleeping almost the whole time."

"okay, thank you."

"call for us if you need anything."

"will do."

the doctor left, leaving brendon alone with the sleeping boy. he just wanted tyler to wake up so he could explain what happened to him.

the door opened again, and brendon looked up, expecting to see the doctor. instead he saw a familiar face, recognizing him from the picture tyler had.


"who are you?"



josh sat on the other side of tyler's bed. brendon was trying to keep his voice down.

"tyler wouldn't want you here. get out before i fucking make you."

"how would you know what tyler wants?"

"i'm his boyfriend."

"oh, you're the guy he was talking about?"

brendon paused. tyler told josh about him? what did he say?

"what do you mean?"

"he said he wasn't going back to you," josh lied, never breaking eye contact.

"he wouldn't."

"you obviously don't know him as well as you think."

"no, you're lying. i know tyler better than you do. he would never say that about me."

"tyler couldn't stop telling me
how much he missed me. i couldn't get him to let go of me, even when he kiss-"

"shut the fuck up!" brendon suddenly spat, causing the small boy to stir.

"b-brendon?" was the first word that left the boy's mouth.

"i'm right here, t," brendon soothed, grinning at josh who watched in jealousy.

tyler had yet to see the red hue seated on the other side of him.

"m s-sorry, b. d-don't hate me..."

"i don't hate you, t."

"i was a-about to go home b-but my dad got me..."

josh shrunk in his seat, knowing he was going to get caught in his lie.

"i believe you, t. it's okay."

"i..." the brunette started smiling. "i told josh off."

brendon smirked at the redhead who adverted his eyes. "oh, really? that's so good, t. i'm proud of you."

"he was begging me not to go and i told him i had someone that taught me i deserve better than him."

josh awkwardly cleared his throat, startling tyler. his head snapped towards the redhead, ignoring the pain that shot through him.

"j-josh? what're you doing here?"

"i came to make sure you're okay..."

"you care now?"

"i always cared..."

brendon gave tyler a worried look. josh couldn't start saying those things again. he needed to leave tyler alone.

"josh, go," brendon glared at him.

"come on, ty, you really love this guy over me?"

"you loved debby over me," tyler whispered, dropping his gaze to his lap.

"that was different."

"you're an asshole. i don't want to see you anymore, so leave."

josh hesitated for a moment before he finally nodded, leaving without a second glance.

brendon gave tyler a gentle hug, not wanting to hurt him.

"that was awesome, t. you don't understand how proud i am."

tyler's lips curled up in a smile.

"so you still love me?"

"of course i do."

"i love you too."

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