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josh started acting strange.

he started giving tyler lots of food, more than he needed, and telling him to hide it under his bed.

he started giving tyler some of his clothes. sweatpants, hoodies, even some socks.

he reminded tyler over and over again that he loved him and would always be there for him.

tyler didn't know what was going on.

he would've figured that after that whole scene he would have scared josh off. although josh still spent most of his time with debby, they still occasionally skipped last period to hang out at josh's house. unfortunately, that was the only time they spent together anymore.

nothing really changed, except for josh's strange behavior towards tyler when they hung out.

josh was still devoted to debby, tyler's dad was still the same, tyler still felt broken. but josh started touching tyler more. he started complimenting him.

he would constantly ask, "you know i'd never want to hurt you, right?" and "you know you can always come to me no matter what, right?"

it was starting to worry tyler. he had a bad gut feeling telling him something was going to happen.


a very short filler chapter, sorry \:

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