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"can i ask you why you have a black eye?"


"okay, do you like the mac and cheese?"

tyler nodded.

it was the next day, and brendon had made homemade macaroni and cheese for them. tyler actually wanted to eat. he wasn't constantly upset and feeling unmotivated. it also helped that brendon praised him when he finished his food.

"what do you want to do tonight?"

"can we watch a movie?"

"sure thing. what's your favorite movie?"

"the notebook."

"you're such a softie. why the notebook?"

tyler shrugged. "it's the perfect fairy tale. real life isn't like that. it sucks."

"am i your allie?" brendon teased.


"i'm just kidding, i know i'm not. you'd be allie anyway."

"whatever!" tyler huffed, pushing his empty plate to brendon.

"wow, good job, t. you ate everything! at this rate, we'll have you strong again in no time."

tyler smiled, watching brendon finish the rest of his food. they sat next to each other on the loveseat, brendon popping the movie in for them to watch.

tyler snuck a glance up at the older. he wanted to cuddle so bad. he wanted josh to be next to him. he wanted josh to be his noah. he felt himself growing sad, unintentionally resting his head on brendon's shoulder.

"i know you said no cuddling, but you seem like you want to."

"i don't wanna," tyler lied, picking his head back up.

he knew what would happen. he'd develop feelings for brendon. he'd have to leave. he'd be hurt again. love was a never-ending cycle of pain.


"am not."

"are too."

"maybe could i just um... could you put your arm around me?"

brendon grinned, happily wrapping an arm around the brunette's shoulders. he rested his free hand on his knee. it was driving tyler crazy. everything brendon did reminded him of josh. he hated it, and felt guilty for thinking that way because brendon was not josh. he kept trying to tell himself that.

tyler ended up dozing off before the movie ended. when it was over, brendon gently nudged him.

"movie's over, t."

"mmng," tyler groaned in protest, not wanting to move.

brendon wanted to "aw" but figured tyler wouldn't like it. he rubbed his thumb over tyler's knee, his other hand playing with the short brown locks.

"come on, we can go to bed."

"ngh," tyler groaned again, still half asleep,

even though he was partly awake, he was dreaming. josh was holding him. josh was speaking to him.


he missed josh.

"i love you..." tyler mumbled, nuzzling his head into brendon, not josh.

"what?" brendon asked in confusion.

"love you, josh..."

"tyler, wake up," brendon said louder, completely shaking the boy awake.

"huh?" tyler frowned, eyes scanning the room and landing on brendon.



"oh... can we go to bed?"

tyler didn't know he was talking in his sleepy state about josh. brendon's heart felt heavy.

"you were talking about josh in your sleep," he said softly, gently holding tyler's boney hand.

"o-oh s-sorry..." tyler looked to his lap in shame, eyes pooling with tears. did brendon hate him now?

"it's okay, t. look at me."

tyler shook his head, trying to blink the tears away.

"it's okay to cry."

he shook his head again. he didn't want to cry over josh anymore.

"t, it's okay," brendon comforted, wrapping the small boy up in a hug.

"c-can we just go to bed?"

"yeah. want me to carry you?"

"can i sleep with you?"

"of course you can."

brendon lifted the boy up with ease, the realization of just how skinny he was finally sinking in. he had no idea what broke the poor boy, but he was determined to find out sooner or later.

he gently set tyler on his bed.

"want to take your clothes off?"

tyler quickly shook his head.

"no, no, i mean you can wear some of my pajamas if you want."


brendon gave the boy a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"do you have any long-sleeves?" tyler asked.

"um, sure, but it won't you get too warm?"

"i'll be fine."

brendon nodded, handing him a long-sleeve t instead. tyler made him turn around while he changed.

the two climbed into bed together. tyler wanted to ask brendon to cuddle again, but was worried he would somehow find out about the various bruises and cuts that ruined his skin.

"goodnight, t," brendon's gentle voice flooded the room.

"night, b."


THIS BOOK HIT 1k?!?! i'm incredibly thankful and appreciate you all so much 💜

also i updated today instead of tomorrow because tomorrow is christmas so merry christmas to those who celebrate!

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