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tyler got so many calls from josh. he ignored them all.

how could josh forget about him like that? was he really that easy to forget about?

and the things debby was saying... how could josh let her talk to tyler like that? didn't he care? at all?

tyler was slowly getting it. josh cared, but not enough. he cared about debby more. he cared about some girl he just met more than he cared about his best friend. tyler knew it was true, no matter what josh said. he was slowly losing josh and there was nothing he could do about it.

he got a feeling that he was starting to grow familiar with. that feeling where everything hurts so much that his chest feels like it's going to cave in and the only thing stopping it is the gasps of air he takes in between tears. all he wanted to do was sleep, because the process of being broken is incredibly exhausting.

but you know the worst part? josh didn't even know how much he was breaking tyler. he didn't know that tyler was in love with him, and him not loving tyler back was like the boy laying on grass and instead feeling needles.

tyler didn't know what to feel. angry? sad? or nothing at all? he wished he could feel nothing. oh, how he wished. but in reality, he felt everything.

he just wanted josh. he craved for josh's arms to wrap around him in a comforting hug. he craved it so bad it made him sick to his stomach. how could he love someone that didn't even realize they were destroying him?

the brunette wondered if it was all his fault. if he would just tell josh, maybe things would be different. but, oh god, maybe things would get worse. tyler didn't know if he could handle any worse.

he got fed up with being sad. so he did what he did best, and fell asleep.

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