Chapter 22

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Chapter 22



She tries to smile.
To feel happy.
But she just feels so,

Until he came and changed her world.

Anneliese P.O.V

Lying to my parents has begun to be easier than I thought, either that or they aren't worried about me much because when I lied today to them that I had slipped and that's how I got my lip split they didn't even ask questions, they straight up believed me.

They didn't even call the school or anything! They didn't ask for details or asked Andy anything, they just assumed I had really tripped.

Which honestly I don't know if it should make feel happy, or sad.

I noticed the only thing in mom's mind right now was getting Andy changed like her, nothing else was her worry!

I packed the last couple of things I needed and slowly closed my suitcase with a slight sad sigh. I looked out at the dark woods and wondered if Brent would be coming tonight? I honestly hoped not, I wanted to sleep and not wake up tomorrow to face the fact that I had one day less with Andy being normal.

 Today had passed by so quickly, school had been so fast that I longed to stay longer, but no, I had to come back home to pack for grandma's house for tomorrow.

Because in two days, technically just one and a half, my brother was going to be changed into a vampire.

I looked around my room trying to see if I was forgetting anything.

It's not like you'll be going to another country Annie, I told myself. You'll be a couple of minutes away from home don't worry, you'll be back in no time, I told myself.

I heard someone enter my room quietly, meaning it was Andy because usually mom and dad appeared like soundless ghosts.

I turned around to see him watching me closely, "Hey," he whispered.

"Hey" I whispered back putting my hands behind my jean pockets.

"You're done packing?" he asked.

I nodded silently and looked back at my giant suitcase "Yes" I answered, I was all ready for tomorrow.

He walked to me and showed me a hidden piece of paper he had, I frowned and took it reading it at once.

People are saying that Brent hit you today, that's how you got your split lip, is it true? It read.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, this was our stupid was of communicating since mom and dad always heard our slightest squeak!

Thankfully I hadn't seen Brent just yet, and I didn't even want to think about him and the fact that he was probably still angry I was going to werewolf lands tomorrow! Because to be honest, I wanted to go to werewolf lands tomorrow! I don't know why but in the deep part of my head I saw it as a break from him!

Sure I liked being with him when he was nice and he was super sweet when he wanted to be but damn did I feel like I needed a break!

I shook my head and crumpled the piece of paper, "Im going to miss you Andy," I told him instead as I crumpled the paper into a tight ball.

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