Chapter 20 Ron Knows*

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Ron knows. He couldn't not know. I am not one to hide anything from him. Not since my breakdown, and even then I didn't hide it I just didn't know what it was.

But it came out. All of it. In true Ronald Bilius Weasley fashion after I returned from Draco's after the planning session at Hogwarts. Ron wasn't even supposed to be in the country, but instead he was in my kitchen screeching at me. How he found out was irrelevant, I honestly don't care. It may have been the notes I stupidly kept, but again I. Don't. Care.

"Mione, you can't be sleeping with him. It... it... it's unnatural!"

"What do you mean it's unnatural? It's unnatural for two people to find each other, enjoy their company, understand each other, and become intimate with each other? That's unnatural?"

"No! Being with Malfoy is! He's MALFOY!"

Well his prejudices aren't showing at all. I mean Draco is helping with recapturing his father and the Death Eaters, but hell that doesn't matter to Ron. I feel a headache coming on.

"You're worse than any of the Malfoys were." I storm out of our kitchen and upstairs to the bedroom.

"WHAT? What is that supposed to mean?" He sounds like a rhinoceros coming up the stairs behind me.

"You're a bloody hypocrite Ronald! You talk about them being such bad people, because they thought they were better than muggles. Here you are, saying you're better than Draco! And forbidding our daughter to see his son? Have you even met Scorpius? I have! He's a good kid. Have you listened to your daughter talk about him? No! I have. She adores him and he worships her. Their big 'fights' are nothing more than inter-house trash talking. Which is a lot better than any fights you had with his father!" His excuse for returning home was, of course, the most recent date between Rose and Scorpius. When I didn't return home, that is when all hell broke loose is what I gathered.

"Mione all that is in the past!"

"Really? Because you're holding everything against poor Scorpius for things that his father, grandfather, and great aunt did NOW! You won't even let him in our house. You're still holding grudges." I look around my bedroom and my fears are correct. My lingerie is strewn around the room, some torn up. My collection of letters litter the floor - everything from our discussions on the kids to more intimate ones.

"And you're sleeping with the enemy literally!" His anger has passed 'getting the best of him' stage, now it is borderline 'dangerous'.

"Because when was the last time you were intimate with ME? I can tell you - when we got pregnant with Hugo! THAT was our last time together. Why the hell did you marry me if you didn't find my desirable? Do you know how that made me feel?"

"I married you because we were supposed to get married!"

"What?" I stopped yelling, now crushed. "We were supposed to be married? What does that even mean?"

"I lost you long ago. You weren't the girl that I fell in love with. You were different and not my Hermione. But it was too late. Everyone expected us to get married. So I married you."

"Do you even love me anymore?"

"I don't think that is a real question. You're not the person I love. You're different."

"RONALD, so are you!" I bellowed as my tears were gushing out.

"Yeah, but the person I thought I was marrying is the strong girl that we went to school with."

"Oh is this because of my breakdown? So you're blaming me for all this now? Can't you take some responsibility for something? Anything?" I was crying, Merlin knows why. I was upset at him, angry. Yet here I am crying.

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