Chapter 25 Forgiveness Frees You

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The only place, probably in the world other than a major resort, the Burrow, or Hogwarts, that can hold the whole Weasley clan is probably Malfoy Manor. It is famous for its size and opulence. And the darkness that has hung over the building for generations. It is so unlike the Burrow and it's homey warm feel. They are simply put, polar opposites.

I catch Rose and Scorp on the couch of the Burrow as he is trying to describe what the Manor is like. I realize it is time to share my story with my daughter, as traumatic as it is.

"Scorpius dear, can you give Rose and I a moment please?" The sweet boy just smiles and nods to me and gives my daughter a quick kiss on the top of her head. I sit in a chair across from her and wait until we are alone, and for me to get my courage gathered, before I speak. With a deep breath and my eyes closed I begin, "When you were born, I promised myself you would never hear what I am about to say. Your uncle Harry suggested I tell you when you got involved with Scorpius, but I said no. I want you to have an honest and pure relationship with him, not one tainted by the past. Do you understand?" She gives me a confused look, I can understand, I didn't say much. I don't think I have been so nervous as I am now - telling her my story. "This was the days leading to the Battle of Hogwarts. Your father, uncle Harry, and I were looking for the pieces of Voldemort's soul that was embedded into objects - horcruxes."

"Mum we've heard about this in History of Magic already."

"There are parts that we left out of the texts. It is time you learned them. Well the three of us were being chased, hunted really, to get us to stop and to kill us ultimately. At one point we were caught." I take a breath, getting to the hard part.

"Mum, I didn't..."

"I know dear. Let me continue. We were caught and brought to the headquarters of the Death Eaters. Mr Malfoy was there, he was called in to identify us. He didn't though. He could have told anyone who your father and I were, but he didn't. Your father and uncle Harry were taken to the dungeons. There was something found in my bag that was supposed to be in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault, the sword of Gryffindor. You know the part of where we found it, of course." She nodded. Her father often spoke of the deluminator and how it brought him back to us. Usually when he was in trouble about something. "Well she thought is was in her vault and was worried something else was taken from there. So to try and find out what we had taken, which was nothing, she tortured me. For a long time. Then when she was done, she cut up my arm," I removed the charm that I had placed on my scar daily since the day she was born so that she can see it. "See this is what is left." She stood up and looked it over.

"Mum, that was years ago. Why is it still?"

"It will never heal. Now for the hard part. Like I said, Mr Malfoy was there when it happened. He was made to witness the event. Bellatrix Lestrange is Mr Malfoy's aunt. And the place where it happened is the place we are moving into, Malfoy Manor."

"So the person who did this to you is Scorpius's?"

"It's his great aunt."

"And we are staying where it happened?" I nod. "And you're okay with all this mum?"

"For everyone's safety, yes I am."

"And you're okay with me dating Scorpius?"

"He is not his grandfather, who was another evil menace. Nor is he his great aunt. I judge people based on who they are, not the relations that they have no control over. It would be as bad as the Malfoys that judged me solely based on the fact I was muggle-born."

"And you and Mr Malfoy. You two seem close. You've forgiven him?"

"There are circumstances involving the war that are just too complicated to really explain second hand. That is something you need to talk to Mr Malfoy about, but yes I have forgiven him years ago."

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