Chapter 36 What Harry Said

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I was still in the hospital recovering when it happened. It felt like all hell had broken loose around me. People rushing in and out of my room, to a room down the hall, tears by too many people to count or try and keep track of, it was overwhelming.

On the good news I can move more of my body, still in extreme pain, and I can make something along the lines of guttural sounds. One grunt for yes, two for no type of thing. It wasn't much and I couldn't ask what the bloody hell was going on, but it was something. A little something. I can move my fingers regularly. I even can move my toes and feet - which the healers were very grateful to see.

I lived up to my end. Now I need Draco to return. I needed him to return to me. I didn't care if he was broken, I just needed him.

"'Mione, are you awake?" I opened my eyes to see a very fuzzy version of the Boy-Who-Lived standing there in front of me. "Good. I need to tell you something, something of a status report. Think of it as that. Me, Head of the Aurors giving you, the Minister, a status report. Nothing more. Okay? Can you blink once for yes?" I do one better, I give him an eye roll. I might not be able to make out details yet, but I can make out pretty much what is going on around me, just not who's around me doing it. "Figures. You've been hanging around Malfoy too much. I'm surprised the first thing you could do wasn't a smirk." His tone is happy, playful. This sounds either optimistic, or he's covering for something bloody awful.

"Just be patient, it is long. I figured you heard, at least, that we had a lead on Lucius. Is that true?" Honestly Harry James Potter! Yeah you deserve another eyeroll. "Joy. I have to deal with his attitude possessing my best friend. Well we went to this godforsaken hole in Montenegro. Seriously it is the last place on the face of the earth I expected Lucius Malfoy to be in hiding. It was broken down, desolate, remote, dirty. Yeah dirty. Mr Platinum Blonde Perfection Hair was in a place that our muddy shoes helped clean up. But when we walked up to the hovel Draco told me something. He told me if it came down to him or me, to get out of there and not look back. He told me to take care of you, because there is something like a - and I quote - ugly funky sibling thing between us." I think there was some more colorful language that Harry is leaving out, but in my state I cannot and won't ask. "He was strong 'Mione, brave - as brave as anyone I know, you would be proud of him. As we walked, he just kept saying that he wanted Scorp and Al to remain friends, he wanted Scorp and Rose to be happy and that they seemed to be made for each other, he asked if I could keep an eye on his son if anything happened, and to beat the living daylights out of Pansy if she does anything to fuck up his and Rosie's relationship." That sounds like my Draco. "We got to where the wards were and he was a master at breaking them down. Honestly, I wanted to have him on the Ministry's payroll longer if possible just as a teacher for my aurors. He was that good and efficient. Lucius never knew what hit him until we basted the front door down."

I knew there was more. I know because of what Draco said to me before he left. He wanted everything in line because he didn't expect to come back. He expected that his father would kill him. I can't say it hadn't crossed my mind a few times through this whole ordeal, but this. It sounded like Harry was preparing me to hear that the man I love is dead...

"Once we walked in, we both were disgusted. A pig lives better than this. I admit I was afraid that it was a trap that we just walked into, but Draco seemed to know exactly where to go. He didn't tell me how, but he waltzed through the halls like he had been there before. I don't recall seeing him like he was, I was glad he was on our side. He would have been a terrifying Death Eater if his heart was in it. Honestly, he would have been better than Bellatrix and Lucius combined. Thank Merlin that wasn't the case back then." He took a deep breath, bracing himself or me for what was next. "The stare down between Draco and Lucius was scary. There was absolute hatred between them. His father didn't even get out of his chair. They just looked at each other for what seemed like forever. After a few choice words were exchanged, then it got bad. The two of us were taking him on and it seemed like we were losing. More than a few times he told me to get the hell out. I couldn't leave him. As good as I am at dueling, I don't want to face your wrath if I came back without him.

"He fought hard, harder than anyone I know. He'd give Lupin and Sirius a run for their money. Hell, he'd be a challenge for Moody! But this was his father, so it was worse than anyone I know.

"He was a champion. He finally got a shot in on Lucius that disarmed him enough that I could take him down. And we did.

"'Mione, Lucius Malfoy is in Azkaban. His trial is scheduled for tomorrow. The next day we expect him to have the kiss. He doesn't have the strength, nor the mental capacity, to challenge any of it. Tomorrow night you'll be free. We all will be free."

My hand started twitching. I was afraid of what was next coming out of Harry's mouth.

"Draco and I, we barely made it back. I couldn't appartate here. Draco was barely standing. I sent an emergency patronus to Kingsley telling him where we all were. He came nearly immediately and had a portkey for Draco and I and he took Lucius to Azkaban.

"'Mione, Draco is in bad shape. Not as bad as you, but it is bad. I wanted to warn you. Before he passed out, he reminded me to take care of you. He said for you to continue with your separation from Ronald, because you need to be completely free and happy. He wanted to let you know that he loves you and your the best thing, besides Scorpius, in his life. You two are what are keeping him going."

A tear sprang from my eye and I know Harry saw it. "When he is more stable, I'm having him moved in with you. But you need to know, it is bad." I heard him sigh, "I have to go tell Scorpius and ask him about moving us all out and if he wants to stay with us or with Pansy." He gave me a quick kiss to the forehead and wiped my renegade tear before leaving me alone with my thoughts.

How bad was he? He sounds worse than me but Harry said it wasn't. It cannot be good. I should be there for him, like he was for me. I pray to every deity that will listen to have him get better. Then I wonder how many times did he do this for me.

More tears slowly seep from my eyes. I can't wipe them so they soon puddle on my pillows.

When the door opens next, I don't know how much later, it is not someone I expected to see.

"Okay Madam Minister, you're going to have to listen to me. I know you can't talk and I know you went through a new level of hell at the hand of Lucius, but fuck no. It is time for you to get your ass out of that bed and be present at least. You need to say something. You need to be there for him. He's bent over backwards for you, it's time that you show him some support. Yes I know you've made him ridiculously happy - actually it is kinda gross. I haven't seen him this happy since Scorp was born. But now, get your butt out of bed take care of him. I don't care that you have the weight of the wizarding world on your shoulders. I care about...." I hear her sniffle. "I care about my best friend. He needs you Hermione. You know he wants to marry you?"

Pansy fricken Parkinson-Nott just yelled at me. It really is a good thing that she is Draco's best friend and Scorpius's godmother, because if I had my strength I would be yelling right back at her.

The thing is she's right. I know I need to focus on getting better right now. It is time for me to get out of this bed and find where my Draco is and be with him. I close my eyes, focusing all my strength and magic on that one goal: Get myself up.

 I close my eyes, focusing all my strength and magic on that one goal: Get myself up

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Author's Notes:

We are close to the end, my friends. So I will start thanking everybody for following me down this dark and dismal road. But like in all Scooby Doo movies, the darkest road is the one that is the most rewarding. 
That being said there are 4 more chapters. The end is neigh (and already written). There most likely won't be a sequel, mainly because I have 5 other works in progress - some dark, some comedy (Hermione dressed up as a hooker and Draco in a pimp suit... need I go on?).  So what I am saying is follow me and you won't necessarily be disappointed. 😜

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