Chapter 24 He's a Survivor, Scorpius

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Harry sent me to the Burrow with a guard of a dozen aurors. Draco got his way. I have a babysitting patrol. I cannot even go into the Ministry at the moment, so as the muggles say I'm telecommuting.

The kids and I are to stay here until 1. Draco is found and 2. All the plans that we had are retrieved. Otherwise, I swear I cannot go to the bathroom by myself.

The Burrow is sizable, it was expanded greatly after the war and with each additional round of grandchildren. I take solace in Ginny's old room, remembering all the memories that we made here. Sitting downstairs I feel haunted by all the times here, good and bad. I feel Fred wander the halls with his contagious laughter echoing in our ears. I remember the Christmases, the birthdays, the births, and the weddings held here. I remember hearing what Dumbledore left Ron, Harry, and I in his will. I curl my legs to my chest, putting my head on my knees.

This wasn't how it was supposed to end.

I was supposed to have the happily ever after; like Ginny and Harry. Not the heartache of a husband who mentally checked out of our marriage before our vows were even spoken.

Now I have someone who genuinely loves me. Flaws and all. And he goes missing.

The floo flares up and I look to see who could be coming through. This one had been disconnected to the majority of the network, so if it is operating it can be one of two things - Percy screwed up again, or this is one of the safe houses.

Honestly I pray for the first option.

"'Mione," oh Merlin not him. I don't even look up. "Harry told me you were staying here with all the kids. Why aren't you at home?" my clueless buffoon of a husband questions.

"It's a safety precaution. Our plans were stolen and someone was kidnapped. Someone close to the" I choke up. He was close to everything. He was integral in getting a team together, he was at the center of the plans, he knows the leader the best. He was on our side and now he's gone.

"Who was it? Who was taken? Ginny? One of the kids?"


"Fuck! Malfoy? He probably just went to be with daddy dearest. Showing his sexy Dark Mark and all."

"Ron, he didn't."

"Who cares about Malfoy anyways?"

"Harry. Me. McGonagall. Kingsley. To name a few."

"How could you all? He's bad news. Just because you're sleeping with him"

"Ron, you know nothing!" I am not just screaming but my tears are flowing down. "Do you realize when he was taken I was there? I could have been taken also. We were going over plans. We were trying to find weaknesses. And everything we were working on was taken also." I completely lose my cool. "We are all in much more danger than we were. Me, the kids, Hogwarts, the Ministry, everyone. We are worse than when Voldemort was thinking he was in charge. And Draco, please let him be safe, was helping us. Against his own father."

I wipe the tears with the back of my hand. I was happy. Just for a brief moment. And that happiness slipped through my fingers like sand. My ray of sunshine disappeared behind a sky full of permanently black clouds.

"You shouldn't be associating with him in the first place. You're the one putting yourself in jeopardy. Your actions. Your sleeping around."

"Dear Pot, meet Cauldron. You seem a little black to me." I say full of venom and snark. "You are one to speak. How many have there been during our marriage? Can you count that high? Did you know that Kingsley is presenting our separation? Kingsley. He doesn't trust you. He volunteered to do it. A former Minister is presenting the current Minister's separation from her husband to the Wizengamot. Those are the consequences of your actions."

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