Auther Info

564 14 65

Okay so I was nominated 😏 here goes nothing.

1. My middle name is Lanese. (Not too bad, I kinda like it)

2. I'm am 31 years old. (which probably is ancient to some of you, but you're as young as you feel)

3. 10/08/86.

4. I'm a Libra. (all about balance♎️)

5. I have a few favorite colors. Red, black and grey.

6. I have never thought about what my lucky number is. If I'm gonna take a guess at it I'd say 8. Don't know why, just 8 lol.

7. I don't have pets. I love animals but they need too much attention and care.

8. I was born and raised in Dallas, Tx.

9. I am 5'5, yup I'm a shorty.

10. 8 1/2 in men.

11. Lol guessing because I'm not getting out of bed to go count... about 10 at least.

12. I don't really remember.

13. I'm mostly into the arts. I sing, draw and write. It's all I've ever been good at besides math.

14. I doubt that I'm psychic in any way, shape or form but I do experience a lot of Deja Vu.

15. My favorite song right now... would have to be The Great Forever. I have listened to it on repeat for the last 3 weeks. #obsessed

16. My favorite movies are Slumdog Millionaire, What's Love Got To Do With It and Forest Gump.

17. I would say Janet Jackson but let's be realistic for a moment... because I don't know her personally. Ideal? I've already found her.

18. I do not have kiddos but I'm not opposed to having them.

19. Ummm being a lesbian is very non traditional lol so nah I'm good on a traditional church wedding, unless it's what she wants. In that's case yes.

20. I am not religious but I believe there is some kind of higher power.

21. Yes I have.

22. Nope, I'm a good girl 😏

23. Can't read the last question... sorry lol

I nominate... Airabear DamitaHeaux DaniellePlumm ItsKiyaNessea and Moonwalking_Otaku

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