Chapter 42

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The Bet

"Janet stop for a second damn!" Gil said following her through the house to her bedroom. "Dunk will you stop and talk to me."

"What Gil?" She snapped and turned to face him.

"Tell me what happened."

"Emory was there. Jimmy mentioned her wanting to make amends but I had kind of forgotten about it. When I walked in, they were hugging and I kinda flipped out." She and started to change into a pair of sweats and a tank top.

"You flipped out over Emory of all people? Clarke would never."

"I know I know." She said as she plopped onto her bed and covered her face with her hands. "I don't know what is going on with me Gil. Clarke tried to talk to me. She asked me if I trusted her." Gil sat next to her on the bed and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"You want to know what I think it is?"

"What?" She asked curiously.

"You're afraid." He said. "On tour this wasn't real. I mean it was but you were so busy that your time with her was minimal. Now you have to face the fact that this is actually a relationship and I think you're freaking out about it."

"But I love her Gil." She said.

"I know you do. So do I, but you need to figure your shit out Dunk." He said. Janet sighed.

"When she asked if I trusted her, I couldn't answer her and I don't know why. Then she threw it in my face that I lied about Wissam." Janet said and scoffed.

"Well, you kinda did."

"Gil..." she sighed and sucked her teeth, "I know, I guess I just thought she'd forgiven me for it."

"That doesn't mean she has forgotten about it though J. Honestly if it were me, it would've been the first thing I thought about too. She has never given you a reason not to trust her. So why are you having this issue now? Could it be your own shit? I can't pretend I didn't see the way you looked when you saw Wissam kiss that woman Jan. You were jealous and it was obvious."

Janet fell back against the bed. Gil followed and looked over at her.

"I don't know why I'm messing this up Gil." She said, tears streaming down the sides of her face. They both sat up as the doorbell began to ring. They walked down the hallway and Janet answered the door.

"Clarke?" She said and stepped to the side. "Come in, please." Janet offered. Clarke shook her head.

"Nah I gotta run. I have a lot to do. I just wanted to bring the key to your apartment back. I can't except it. I'm moving back into my own crib. I've already talked to the landlord and he is cool with me moving back in." Clarke held her hand out with key. Janet took it and looked up at her with confusion in her eyes.

"But Clarke, I bought that place for you."

"I know and appreciate it, but unfortunately it no longer feels right to accept it." Clarke said and turned to walk away. Janet stepped out closing Gil inside.

"Clarke can we talk? Please." She said softly. Clarke snapped her head around.

"Now you want to talk to me J? I'm not down for these. now you want me, now you don't games. I believe you're coming down hard on me because of you're own shit and that's not fair." She hesitated. "I don't think I can do this anymore."

"Clarke baby, come on. Do don't this. We can work this out."

"I didn't do this J, you did." Clarke said and turned to walk away.

"Let me at least call Preston for you." Janet yelled in her direction, but Clarke kept walking and didn't look back. As the distance between them grew, Janet watched her for a moment. Tears streamed down her face. The door opened and Gil stepped out into view.

"She doesn't want to try anymore Gil."
Janet said looking down at the key in her hand.

"She's just upset." He said. "Let me try to talk to her."

Gil jumped into his car and followed Clarke. He finally pulled up beside her and drove slowly next to her. He rolled the window down.

"Where do you think you're going handsome?"

"Gil I'm not really in the mood today okay." She said without looking in his direction.

"What kinda girl do you think I am? I at least want dinner and a movie first." She still didn't look at him. Her eyes were focused on the pavement in front of her. Gil stopped his car and got out. He stood in front of her.

"Clarke stop." He said putting both hands out in front of her.

"What Gil?" What clever thing do you have to say this time. What is it this time huh? Is that I don't understand her lifestyle enough? Do I just need to be patient with her? Huh? What are you gonna come up with this time?" Gil just stood for a moment and didn't say anything. "That's what I thought, now excuse me." Clarke said and walked around him.

"Clarke she loves you." He said.

"Yeah? Well she a had a weird fucking way of showing it. I'm done with this Gil." She said and finally came to a complete stop. "She is used to these men that can give her anything and everything she wants. Even without anyone, she has everything. What do I have to offer? Just me. That's probably why everything I do is not enough. Maybe we are just to different Gil. I'm too ordinary, too real world or some shit but I'll tell you what, I'm tried of fucking trying to figure it out. I'm going home. To my home." She was beginning to cry.

"Clarke you know it's not like that at all. Just please think about this before you do something you'll regret."

"Gil save it Okay, just leave me alone." The sky lit up as thunder roared through the sky and it started to rain. She pulled her hood up over her head and continued walking. Gil got in his car and drove back to Janet's house.

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