Chapter 56

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The Bet

"Babe!" Janet called from the bathroom. Clarke came in with Eissa in her arms.

"You rang beautiful?" Clarke responded. Janet turned to look at them and smiled.

"I'm a very lucky woman." She said kissing Eissa's head and giving Clarke a sweet kiss on the lips. "Preston is outside baby. I need to go. I'm already late for the radio interview. Wissam text and said he should be here in about 5 minutes. Are all of Eissa's things packed?" Clarke looked at him and smiled taking one of her dreads from him before he could put it in his mouth.

"Yeah everything is ready and by the front door." Janet grabbed her clutch as they headed for the car. She glanced at them one more time.

"You look stunning baby. Just... wow." Clarke said gently bouncing Eissa up and down in her arms. She had that look in her eyes.

Janet blushed and kissed her, lingering at her lips for just a second longer. "Thank you sweetness. I will let you know when I'm on my way back. You're having lunch with Gil today, yes?"

"Yup, He should be here soon." Clarke said looking towards the street.

"Okay well have a good time. I love you," She said kissing her again. "And I love you my sweet prince. Mommy will see you in a week." Clarke opened the door, taking Eissa's little hand helping him wave goodbye. Preston stepped out the car and held the door open.

"Ma'am." He said nodding. He glanced back at Clarke. "How we doing today Ms. Dubious, recovering well I hope."

Clarke laughed. "Yeah hopefully something like that will never happen to me again." She joked, waved goodbye and walked back in the house. Just as she walked into the kitchen there was a light knock. She opened it to see Wissam standing on the other side.

"Hey, This little fella is all ready for his week with Daddy." Clarke said and smiled as she handed Eissa over to Wissam.

"Thanks Clarke I really appreciate it." They both look towards the drive way as Gil pulled in. He rolled down his window.

"C'mon Clarke a bitch is hungry!" He yelled.

"Language Gil!" Clarke yelled back at him. Wissam laughed and waved.

"Alright, we are gonna get out of here. Enjoy your day."

"Oh Wissam?" Clarke called before he walked away.


"I have a favor. Do you have Mrs. Jackson number by any chance? I couldn't figure how to get from Janet without just straight up asking her for it and I didn't want to give away my plans." She was super nervous to ask him but he smiled.

"Yeah, I think I do actually." Holding Eissa on his hip, he pulled out his phone and thumbed through the contacts. "Ah here is it."

"Dude, you have no idea how much this means. Thank you for the advice and for helping me out."

"I can't lie and say I'm not a little jealous but I'm happy for you, for the both of you. Good luck huh." He said.

Clarke helped him with Eissa's things, putting them in the back seat next to the car seat she had borrowed. She kissed Eissa on the nose. "Love you buddy, see you next week." She said kissing his little hand before closing the door.

She ran in to grab her keys, locked the house up and got into the car with Gil. He had his nose turned up at her. He rolled his eyes and popped his tongue.

"What Gil?" I asked.

"Oh so you friends with the ex now?"

"His name is not the ex," I laughed. "And not necessarily friends, but we are on good terms. He helped me with something, something big."

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