Pop 4 -- Sequel

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"Charlie!" I run down the familiar dirt path leading up to his small home. He comes outside at the sound of my voice, smiling as he opens his arms to gather me into a big hug.

"It's been lonely here without you!" He holds me tightly before letting go, ruffling my hair, then leading me inside.

Once inside he scoops me up and kisses me deeply on my lips. We remain this way for what seems like an eternity, but was probably no more than 5 seconds- honestly.

We part and I laugh, a true laugh of happiness, and just toss my arms back around him.

"Posie, wake up!"

I scream just a little as Ginny flops down beside me on my bed.

"Hermione is here!" She grabs both of my arms pulling me roughly out of my bed and down to the den. "Hurry up, Sirina!"

"G, I'm still asleep." I groan, my legs wobbly and weak beneath me.

"Wow." Hermione laughs, hugging me. "You look terrifyingly like Harry with your hair in sorts, and so cranky."

"Nice to see you too, Mione." I roll my eyes, hugging her back.

"Harry should be here soon. Just a few day visit... but it's better than nothing." Arthur smiles, placing his hands on his hips. "Let's start breakfast!"

We all sit around the table as Molly give us assorted breakfast foods. More options than usual, probably because we had guest(s). Ron sat on my side opposite Hermione (who sat where Ginny usually sits), frustrating Ginny immensely- but she eventually got over it because she was able to sit beside Hermione.

"Sirina, are you going to take potions this year?" Hermione sets her utensils down to turn toward me slightly.

"Mmm... I, well, I haven't completely decided." I shrug, "I had the marks for it, I think... but..."

"But Snape?" Ron butts in.

"Snape may not be all that great... But you need potions for certain jobs." Hermione rolls her eyes, "I'll be taking potions."

"I probably will..."

"Have fun with that!" Ron snorts, mouth full of food. "Neither Harry or I got the marks."

"That's unfair." I frown, "why should the rest of your life be determined by some silly mark you got when you were 15, and quite frankly, focused on more important matters." My voice became higher pitched and louder, frightening everyone slightly due to the contrast from my normally composed manner.

Everyone ate in silence while I stirred inside for a while.

After too long of holding back, I burst out "I'm talking to Dumbledore! You're taking potions! HARRY WANTS TO BE AN AUROR."

Nobody looked up from their food aside from Arthur, "Speaking of Harry..." he began calmly, "Sirina, would you like to tag along to retrieve Harry?"

"Yes, please." I nod, looking back down at my food.

The entire day was relatively uneventful. With Hermione there, I stayed home from work to spend some girl time with her and Ginny before Harry got here. I liked talking with them, but it was hard not being able to tell them what I was thinking about, Charlie.

Around supper time Arthur came to collect me so we could rescue Harry. He took my hand and we were sucked through that awful tube and appeared on a doorstep I don't think I've ever seen in my very short free life. Arthur insisted I knock, claiming he hasn't good experiences with getting Harry.

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now