Chapter 13 - Snapping Point

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I pulled up out front of Derek's loft and froze. I turned the engine off in my car and sat staring up at the main window of his apartment. Looking to my left I saw Buster panting with his tongue sticking out to one side. It looked like he was smiling.

"Never thought I'd be jealous of a dog. You don't have to worry about supernatural problems or... supernatural guy problems. I mean you don't have a Derek to deal with." His reply was a bark as he begun scratching at the car window, meaning he wanted out. "Alright, alright, we're going." I jumped out and Buster followed me. I didn't bother knocking. He knew I was coming and quite frankly he didn't deserve a knock. "Derek!"

"I'm in the kitchen!" At the sound of his voice Buster got excited and ran straight to him. I supressed an eye roll and a groan. Aren't dogs meant to be loyal? I followed after the dog and found Derek down on his knees, petting him. "Didn't think you'd bring him."

"He was already out with me when you rang?"

"This late? Where were you?" he asked as he stood up.

Should I say I was with Peter? Yeah... screw Derek. "I was with Peter." Derek's reaction wasn't what I expected. He nodded and then turned around for a second before turning back, holding out a cup of tea for me. "Thanks." Honestly. This was awkward. I had no idea where to begin. He had no idea where to begin. I wanted to yell, but didn't know what to yell and he probably had some crappy explanation ready. "So... what did you want to talk about?"

"Well there are two things actually. The first is why..."

"I don't want to hear it." Why that came out, I will probably never know. I did want to know. I wanted to know everything. Why he left. Why he didn't call. If he still loved me. And if he did then how could he. He opened his mouth to say something again, but I cut him off, "I don't want to hear it, Derek." I repeated. I wanted to hit myself. Yes I did! I wanted to know. But then I didn't. I was scared of the answer. If I didn't like it and it made me feel worse than I already did then I still had to put up with seeing this guy all the time because of, you guessed it, supernatural crap. "What's the second." How I was keeping all emotion off my face right now was truly amazing. I was pretty sure my heart rate was steady as well.

It took him a minute to continue. "Peter mentioned something, when we were tied up, but being Peter he also didn't really say anything."

"Yeah, yeah, he's cryptic. Your point?" Now I was being snappy, why the hell wasn't my mouth doing what my brain wanted it to?

I saw Derek's muscles tense. Wow. I missed those muscles. No. Don't even think about it. Eyes. Look at his eyes, not the tight black shirt. "It sounded like he was hinting that there was something wrong... with you."

Yep. That's my snapping point. "Something wrong with me? Something wrong with me! You ass! You disappear for three weeks, no word, no call even though you said you would every day and then you come strutting back into town and are suddenly worried about my wellbeing?! Jesus, Derek!" At least my mouth and brain were working as a team again.

"I wanted to c..."

"I said I don't want to hear it!" This time I really didn't want to hear it. I had snapped. And I was pissed. "Don't you get it?! I don't care! I don't care why you didn't call! I don't care why you left and I don't care why you came back! The point is that you didn't. You didn't bother. If you wanted to break up then a damn text would have at least been appreciated. Hell, even a bloody facebook message!"

"I don't want to br..."

"Then you should have thought about that 3 weeks ago!" I wasn't letting him finish his sentences.

"I lov..."

"Don't! Don't you dare!" I felt my eyes flash and a growl came out deep within my throat. Crap. Think about friends. Scott. Stiles. Isaac. My dad. Hell even Peter. Don't think about Derek. Ignore him. Do. Not. Lose. Control. Anna. Stay together. Buster is in the room. You don't want to put him in danger.


Apparently Derek saying my name was enough to send me over the edge a little bit. I knew if I stayed here any longer I would completely lose control. I had to get out. I headed for the door... sprinted. I ignored Derek's yelling and kept going. I ran past my car and across the road. I ran and ran. I felt a transformation coming on and I had to get to the woods. Note to self. Work on control... more. I just made it into the woods as I completely lost it.

But it didn't happen as expected. I didn't grow side burns... I grew hair... and a tail... and a snout.

...I was literally a freaking wolf...

Listen to the media. That song is basically the unspoken words that Anna should have said to Derek, but she couldn't, not all of it, but most of it. Please ignore the video itself its really weird, just listen to the music. Also the picture is what she looks like in wolf form, green eyes and all :)


Hey guy! This is concerning my Teen Wolf fanfiction.

So, i have a proposition for you and this is my first broadcast so i'm not sure how many people read them, but please reply on my message board, by sending me a private message or just a comment on my story.

I was thinking that at the end of the next Teen Wolf season (not the one i'm currently writing about, but the one coming out in a few months) i was going to wrap up Anna's story because i don't want to drag it on for too long because it will get boring after a while. HOWEVER it is not the final season of Teen Wolf as far as i know so I was thinking about a spin off series.

I was going to introduce a new character of my own in the book i'm writing now so i can introduce this new character before starting the spin off. I've always wanted to write a 100% badass female character, so i was thinking a hunter who is associated with Ivonne Coll (the chick who cut off Peter's finger). I was going to make her kind of like a bitch, but not in the snobby kind of way just in a cold heartless kind way. She has a cold exterior because she has lost everything basically, but one of the Teen Wolf characters (haven't decided who yet) will break through her shell.

So let me know your opinions and if a further explanation is required :)

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