BOOK FOUR!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hello my lovelies!!!!!!!! 

The preface for Book four has been posted, please check it out. You can find it on my profile page, obviously and it is called 'Connected' !!!

So i have a few things to clear up.

There will be a spin off book AS WELL AS continuing with Anna. The spin off will be called 'Burnt' and i will let you know when i've started it through an Authors Note in Connected. 

It will take place before the Hale Fire and is kind of important to my ending of the fourth book which i have in fact already written. It won't be as long as these books, i'm not too sure how long it will be actually, but it will be centering around Selene :) And you'll learn about her. 

To Aiden and Allison fans, i am sorry for your loss, but it had to happen.

To Danna shippers i am also sorry, but it wasn't working as well as it used to. i of course never say never so it's not impossible, but unlikely in the next book. As a writer i kind of get bored with the same romantic intersest because i feel like i begin to recycle after a while. 

Isaac won't be in book four, as in he won't be in Beacon Hills, but Anna will talk to him. I'll see if i can also bring Ethan into it in that way as well. 

As for Peter, he does like her in a way, yes, but he wouldn't act on it because of Derek and their age difference and because he has a daughter the same age so it would be creepy even for him, but i LOVE Peter which is why i put them together in her Nix dreams etc.

i also have this unexplanable love for Jordan Parrish. i honestly don't know what it is about that handsome young Deputy, but i love him and we will DEFINITELY be seeing more of him, obviously. I don't know where Jeff is going with Lydia and Parrish, but i want him and Anna to be close at the very least. 

He's adorable, he's sweet, he sometimes reminds me of a lost puppy, but he will NOT be hooking up with Anna. He's too young, but i do love him and plan to develop a protective older sister kind of relationship which will also be made stronger with Anna's bond to Scott.

The bond.
They have a sense of each other's emotions obviously so that Scott can no when she's starting to 'lose it' but they can't read each others mind which is why Scott doesn't know about Jake. They can however find each other, like they know where the other is, if that makes sense. 

He will be back. That's all i can say. Not literally rising from the dead back, but he comes into play :)

The Man in the Shadows
All will be revealed. He's an important person and i'll let you guess who he is :)

So that's it, that's all you need to know for now, so thank-you so much for continueing to read i love you all, you are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also another gif of my reaction over Danny to the right (Lets say i need answers about that one and Jeff as some serious explaining to do)

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