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A/n: English is not my first language, so I apologize for the mistakes made.



Am I allowed
To look at her like that?
Could it be wrong
When she's so just nice to look at?


"What was that?" Kurt asked.

"What was what?"

"Don't play stupid with me"

"She just kissed my cheek... because we're friends"

"Right, and I'm straight"

"Are you?"

"No! The point is, you have to be careful, you don't even smile like that with Finn"

"I don't want to talk about this" I replied and left, but he walked next to me.

"Are you two really just friends?" he asked and I nodded.

"I wouldn't lie to you" I replied.

And we went our separate ways, I had class with Quinn — and Finn — ironically.


Rachel Berry's point of view:

Monday: ugh

I think is an universal thing to hate Mondays, what is specifically bad about Mondays? I don't know, but today I weirdly woke up feeling somewhat happy. I usually feel incredibly drained when waking up, but today... I don't know. I feel like today is gonna be a good day. I grabbed my bag and left my house, locking the door behind me. I smiled at Sam, who was standing in front of his white Chevy, waiting for me so we could go to school. He smiled back at me and opened the door for me, I got in and he closed the door, running back to his seat and began driving us to school.

"Someone woke up happy today" Sam smiled and I nodded.

"Yeah. I don't know what it is, but I feel like today is going to be a good day" I replied smiling.

After Sam parked his car, we got out and made our way to our lockers. Sam's, Kurt's and I's lockers were next to each other, which I was thankful for because they're my best friends. I took out my Spanish book, then closed the locker, making my way to the classroom.

I was reading the textbook as Mr. Schue had said, when none other than Finn Hudson barged into the room. Let me tell you a little about him: he's tall; has dark brown hair; the most beautiful hazel eyes; his smile is to die for, specially because of his dimples... okay, fine, I might have a small crush on him.

"You're late, Finn... again" Mr. Schue said in a serious tone. Not only does he teach Spanish, he's also in charge of the Glee Club — it's like the only school club I'm not a part of... Kurt and Sam talk about it all the time, and, to be fair, it sounds really fun, I'm just not confident enough to actually sing in front of someone. The only people who've heard me sing are my dad and, well... Sam and Kurt.

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