Tyler x Reader

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You stretched your limps, swinging the tennis racket in your hand experimentally.
"Seems to work," you mumbled to yourself, mustering your hand, which was wrapped into a bandaid. You had had an injury on your hand, which had forced you to take a break at your big passion; Tennis.
And now, now you were ready to play again, yet you were just as nervous as excited, fearing you wouldn't be able to do your passion anymore.
Nervously, your (e/c) eyes travelled up to Tyler, who was seated on one of the benches, chewing on some candy, yet his eyes were literally glued on you. He was the one who had brought you back on the tennis court, he had told you that you'd never figure out if you didn't try, and how much he believed that you'd be still able to follow your passion. You hadn't believed him at first, however, he just wouldn't let go of the topic, since he hated to see you suffering like you did in the past few days, so he talked you into it, until you had finally given in.
Swallowing, you gripped the ball in your hand tighter, and let it bounce on the ground, before throwing it up in the air, yet instead of bashing it against the wall, like you usually would do, you let it fall on the ground again.
You turnt to Tyler yet again, being sure he'd have a look of disappointment on his handsome face, however, as he you mustered him, you noticed his expression hadn't changed one bit. Hell no, there was just as much fascination on his face, his eyes literally shining. You mustered your boyfriend for a little longer before you took in a deep, heavy breath, throwing the ball in the air and bashing the tennis racket against it, watching it ram against and then bounce off the wall across from you.
Yet you didn't let out your breath, no, you braced yourself for stinging pain radiating from your wrist, however, all you felt were gentle fingers wrapping around it and a soft pair of lips pressing against it. "Well done, princess!" Tyler exclaimed, giving you a crooked smile, watching how you exhaled almost desperately. "I can still play Tennis," you whispered, being sure he didn't hear it. "Yes, you can still play Tennis," the brunette answered, smiling yet again as he saw a wide smile form on your lips, before you threw yourself at him.
"Thanks so much for bringing ," you whispered, snuggling your faceme in your boyfriend's chest.
"You are welcome," he whispered back, stroking your hair.

Twenty Øne Piløts x Reader. (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now