Chapter 12 :)

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                                                                                  AVERY'S POV 

I met Nialler at he park. I was in tears. I know he may have flirted with that girl and I still don't forgive him, but he doesn't deserve this. Thanks a lot, Papa Bear.

"Hey Ave," Nialler said. 

"Hey, Nialler," I replied. 

"So you wanted to talk to me about something, wait, why are you crying, are you okay?" Niall asked, worried.

"No, it's ok, i'm fine," I said, almost sobbing. 

"You sure, babe,"

"Yes! I'm fine! Please don't make this harder for me! Please!" I begged, sobbing loudly.

"Oh no," I heard Niall mutter to himself "What did you want to tell me, Ave?'

"Hold on, before i tell you, promise me you won't cry, or scream ,or hurt yourself or me in any way," I said.

"Ave, why would i ever hurt you?" Niall said.

"Ok, this is so hard for me, Niall, But I'm breaking up with you,' I managed to say, then i cried.

He looked on the verge of tears "Thanks for telling me to my face, and not over the phone or text," He said "Is this because of yesterday?' He asked. 

"Well, i was cooped up in my room, and i fell asleep, then Dad woke me up, and he saw my puffy red eyes, so he asked me what happened over special birthday pancakes, and he thought it was best if i just broke up with you, and i agreed," I sobbed.

"Oh, I see, i'm so sorry, no girl like you deserves this," He said.

"Niall, no matter what I do I will never get over you, and i will always have feelings for you," I said.

"Thanks," He said, walking away.        

                                                                   NIALL'S PO

I just recieved heartbreaking news. Oh! I had to flirt! Why did i do that! Oh! I still love her! Well, i suppose i have to go home now.  I hopped into my car and left, crying. I came home, and all the lads were there except Liam.

"Hey, Nialler," Louis said. 

"Hey, Lou," I replied, not really in the mood. 

"What's wrong, do you want to go to Nando's and discuss it?" Harry asked. 

"Sure," I said, glumly.  

When we were there, you wouldn't believe what i saw.... 




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