Chapter 21 :)

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Author's Note- I know, I usually do Author's note at the end of the chapter, but i wanted to clear some things up. Ok, in the last chapter, it may have seemed like Ashley wasn't a good person, but  she really is, she just got a bad rap. I just made her the jeoulous type to make the story seem more dramatic. Also, it may have seen like Avery did not like the idea of Louis and Ashley dating. Well, she's absolutely ok with them dating, she just wasn't happy that Louis invited Ashley over without her permission. If you have any more questions that you want to ask me to clear things up, leave it in the comments!!! :) Sorry for the confusion!!!!!!!!!!! :) I know, a long author's note! Sorry!!!!!! Peace out, girl scout(s)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hold on, was Ashley jeolous of  Ally? Yes, She was. I went to talk to her in private, so I took her in the kitchen to talk. 

"Ash, why aren't you welcoming Ally?" I asked. 

"Is she your BFF replacement?"  Ash asked. 

"What! No! I would never replace you! You're my best friend!" I said.

"Yeah, well, you haven't seen me in forever!" She shouted "And now, you meet that girl, without even thinking about your first friend!"

"Ashley, cool down!" I said. 

"You are such a terrible friend!" She said.

"What?! You know what, Ash, if you're going to act like this, you can leave! Go, now!" 

"FINE! I'LL LEAVE!!!!!!!" She shouted, while storming out the door, then slamming it. I sat down on one of my mom's crappy old chairs, and it broke, "Great," I muttered. There I was, on the ground on a bunch of old chair peices, crying my eyes out. Liam must've heard all the commotion, because he came in, knelt next to me, and put an arm around me. He said "Ave, we heard everything, Louis is out, trying to calm Ashley down, It's ok, friends fight all the time. It's ok," He said. I nodded, suddenly, we found our lips touching. I heard someone walk in, then heard him screaming. Oh, crap. It was Niall. This is not good. Not good at all.

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