Chapter 17 :)

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"GET OUT AND DO NOT EVEN TRY TO FIND AVERY!" i heard my mum shout to my dad.

"WHAT? YOU LOST HER?" my dad said 

"NO, STUPID, SHE HID FROM YOU BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T WANT TO MOVE!" My mum shouted, trying to hold her temper.  "Just go!"  I was terrified, i would stay in this safe closet until dad leaves. i WILL NOT get out. It's their argument, and i won't butt in. I heard footsteps, so i pulled some clothes of the hangers and hid under those for extra protection.

"Avery?" I heard an irish accent say. 

"I took a retro 80's shirt off my head and saw Niall and Liam. 

"Your mum is screaming her head off, we're kinda scared, and we want to leave, but we don't want to go downstairs until the fight cools down a bit," Liam said.

"Yeah, when my dad came, my first instinct was to run. Now i'm terrified, I don't want anyone to call the police, oh, and how did you find my hiding spot?" I asked 

"Well, i thought to myself, where would I be if i were Avery. I guessed upstairs, and i came into this bedroom, and i saw the closet light on, so i guessed here," said Niall.  Suddenly, we heard angry footsteps.

"Hurry! Close the door and hide under these clothes with me!" I whispered/shouted. Niall and Liam dove into the clothes piles, and surprisingly, the we had enough clothes to cover us completely, even though my mum doesn't have alot of rejects. We had to leave some clothes on the hangers, so it wouldn't be obvious. I heard my mum shouting "JAKE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" 


"NO! SHE IS STAYING WITH ME!" My mum shouted. 

"Celine, the plane is leaving in two hours. We need to leave now!" My dad said, returning to his normal voice. He opened the closet door, and started taking the clothes off the pile me, Niall, and Liam were sheltered in. i tried to remain calm, but when he took that 80's retro shirt off my head, i screamed "I DON'T WANT TO GO, DADDY!"

"Too bad! We're leaving now!" he started dragging me downsfairs, while i was screaming bloody murder. Unfortunately my mum, Liam, and Niall were too slow when runniung to save me, so my dad put me in the car, and drove off.

Author's Note- I'm sorry for the short chapter! I didn't have much in mind. I will write more tomorrow. Peace out, Girl Scout(s)!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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