Chapter 24 :)

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I fell asleep, and woke up to find myelf as a completely different person. I was in a different room, every Hannah Montana fan's dream, which is soooo not me. I looked in the mirror, and saw a beatiful girl with blonde hair, and blue eyes.The hair was straightened. I never straighten my brown wavy hair. My eyes are an emerald green, not sapphire blue, what the flack is happening? I am a whole different person, some Hannah montana-loving southern belle? Just then, I heard a feminine voice say

"Audrey, time for school! You're starting 8th grade today!" What?! First of all, I am in my 3rd year of HIGH SCHOOL! Not 8th grade! I am suppose to be a spitting image of Celine Hebbler, not some southern lady! I am suppose to live in London, not wherever I am! I am Avery Gina Wilkins! Not some girl named Audrey!

"Come on, Audrey!' the southern lady yelled again.Well, I guessed since I was audrey, I had to go to 8th grade, again, worst year of my life.Well, if this Audrey girl is in my body, she better pick something cute to wear, but i doubt it because she has no fashion sense. Her closet was filled with babyish clothes. I went into a different room, to see if there were better clothes, luckily there were. I wore a cute outfit, that looked casual. This was definately not a mum's wardrobe, so I figured a big sister's. I walked downstairs, and that lady said "Why are you wearing Nicki's clothes? I just took you shopping a few days ago."  And I said

"Well, I decided i need to get a better more grown up look."

"Ok, but Nicki's going to be mad," She said. "Let's go to the car, and stop talking in an english accent," I came outside, and it was burning hot! Bad day to wear jean and converse. Oh well. I got into the car, and the lady dropped me off at some jewish school. That's weird. i'm catholic. I went in, and saw a bunch of guys wearing these round hats on their head. I saw girls, and they looked normal. Two nerdy looking girls came up to me and said "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey, Audrey! did you read a lot of books this summer?" Gosh did this Audrey girl have a life? I wanted Audrey to have a good reputation so i said "Nope, i hate books!" The girls gasped, then I realized these must be her friends, so i said "Kidding!!!!!!!!!! I read lots!" The girls smiled. They said "Ok, let's get to class. We have religion class first." I followed them into a room. Ok, what happened to different schedules and more than one class? Like in a normal public school. Then  i reminded myself this girl was jewish, and she went to a jewish school. Oh, goodie, I'll know nothing. The teacher started talking about things i had no idea of. What the heck is a torah? I don't know.I stayed mute the whole class, and probably failed the worksheet he gave out. Oh well. I ended that class, then it was math. Some nerdy looking jewish boy kept staring at me. I think he had a little crush on Audrey. Awwwwwwwww. She will find love. Oops, sorry that was kind of mean. It's just this girl is so nerdy. She seems like an outcast and loser. Well, i will change that. When i was off in La La Land, the teacher called on me. She had to call Audrey 5 times before I realized I was Audrey. I can't get used to this. To make Audrey seem cooler, I decided to say the wrong answer and/or a smart remark. She asked "If I have 50 cookies for my mom, and I accidently ate 15, what do i have?"

I answered "I don't know, diabetes, maybe, and what grade are we in anyway? Kindergarten?" The whole class cracked up and I sat there like a boss, until the teacher gave me detention.

"Audrey, this is not like you at all!" She said.

"Whatever, Loser berry," I replied. She sent me to the principal's office. Let me get this straight. The principal was a pettifile. He looked at me like he wanted to rape me, and he talked in a slow trying-to-hard to be sexy voice. He had porn pictures all over his office. Shouldn't the school superintendant notice this? He was also watching porn videos when I came in. When i told him what happened, he pushed me against a wall, saying "So a good girl gone bad? I like em like that!" He said, feeling for certain bumps on my chest, I screamed in his ear. Perfect, he let go of me. I ran out very quickly. While i was at that creepster's office, we changed classes. I was in  hebrew class. What? A foreign language? Seriously? Well at least after this it's lunch. Oh I hope that southern lady packed something I liked. I went through a whole session of meeting the class. (I have no idea why the teachers didn't have us get to know eachother sooner, but whatever.) The nerd kid  went up to me right away and said "Audrey, you've changed. You're wearing make-up and a hideous outfit." I almost lost my temper.  "This is chic and beautiful, and my make-up looks fine, now get away from me, loser," Gosh, i am probably ruining Audrey's life while also making it a whole lot better. I just hope she didn't have a crush on this boy, because he will never talk to her again, if we ever get back to our oldselves. She better not be cramping my style. The teacher told us to get back to our seats so we could learn. He started speaking in hebrew and making us translate, as if we knew it at the top of our head. Well, I guess the rest of the class knew it at the top of their heads, and the teacher was going around the room, so when he came to me, he said something that was apparently "Hello, Audrey, are you ready to learn?" Only, I didn't understand a word of it, so i said "Hello, Audrey, do you like my outfit?" I said it more of a question than an answer, and I was so nervous, I started to bite my lip. (i bite my lip when I'm nervous.) The whole class cracked up, with me sitting there like a not-so-boss boss. I slumped in my seat and put my book in front of my face. The teacher was nice and said "Sorry, dear, that was incorrect, but you're probably just rusty. We'll fix that in no time," Luckily, he didn't call on me for the rest of the class.

Soon the bell rang, and it was lunch. This girl named Bree came up to me (A popular) and asked if I wanted to sit with them today. Apparently I fixed audrey's rep enough to be accepted by the pops. I sat down next to Bree and opened my lunch. Oh crap. Tuna. I hate tuna. I want to be back home in England. At least i'm not jewish there and know stuff, and at least i'm cool! I hate this girl, and I hate her style, and I hate her school, and I hate her friends. I am working hard to make her cool, so she better appreciate this. I ate my apple, my fruit snack, my brownie, and my chips, oh and don't forget carrots! I ignored the tuna sandwich, broccoli, raw potato? Really? I didn't eat those. I would've eaten the potato if it wasn't raw. It wasn't even a baked potato, trust me, I checked. I still have that terrible taste in my mouth. The bell rang for the afternoon classes, (in other words, the classes that aren't jewish and hard,in other words, the ones i didn't have to endure the wrath of this terrible morning.) I put the tuna sandwich and broccoli back in my bag, and threw the bitten potato away. Bree was really nice to me, and she seemed to accept me. She wasn't a snob like mosrt pops, and i enjoyed this lunch. i felt kind of bad for Audrey's old friends though. They looked at me sadly, and it broke my heart. If i stay in this girl's body longer, i will fix them, too. I went to the afternoon classes, and they were easier, except in spelling class, we had, you guessed it, hebrew words, and that was hard.

At the end of the day, I went into that lady's car, and went home. Bree called me soon after. She invited me to an after-school hang-out. Of course, i accepted. I went there, and got to know the pops. One guy i really like. He had brown hair,  brown eyes, and he looked like- like Liam. Oh great, Avery, you're in love with two men. I talked to him, and then i had to go. I got into my pajamas, and woke up? It turned out it was just a terrible dream. I woke up in my room, my bed, and a concerned mother.

"Oh, Ave, you wouldn't wake up, i was worried, you were really sweaty. Are you ok?" I sighed and said "Yeah," Now i know to be careful what i wish for, cause i might just get it. ;) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's note- Hey guys! Surprise! It was a dream! I did this whole thing so Avery would learn to be thankful for who she is, and not to hide when things went wrong. The pic at the side is what Avery dressed Audrey in. Also, I didn't want to offend any jews or nerds or popular people, i actuallt know some jews and nerds and pops and they are pretty awesome and nice! So have a good day, and Peace out, Girl Scout(s)!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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