Chapter 27 :)

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                                                             AVERY'S POV 

My mum came up to my room with my mobile phone in her hand.

"Sweetie? Since you were up here. and your phone was downstairs, I answered it." I looked at her to continue. "And- And it was Ashley. She called you some cuss words, and then when i told you it was me, she said to tell you she's not your friend anymore." Tears started welling up in my eyes, my mum hugged me "It's ok, darling, you guys will make up. Stuff like this always happens. This drama even happened to me. My friend Amelia and I were in a fight, probably worse than yours. Amelia wouldn't even talk to me, at least Ash called you, and thought she was speaking to you. But anyway, it lasted about a month, then we made up, and Amelia and I are friends to this day," My mum said

"Is Amelia the american one with a daughter?" I asked. My mum nodded in response."But Ash is my best friend, i can't stand not speaking to her for a month!"

"Then talk to her," My mum urged

"She wouldn't want to talk to me." Then I heard The Best Day Ever by Spongebob Squarepants came on. I looked at mum. "Oh, my mobile phone is ringing."

"Spongebob, mum, really?"

"What do you have against Spongebob?"

"Nothing, but Spongebob is a kid's show," I said

"well, I like the song, and i quite enjoy Spongebob,"Mum replied, then she answered.

"Oh, Ashley, hey, yes, Avery's here. You want to talk to her, well i hung up, but her phone is out of battery anyway"  Mum handed me the phone.

"Hey, Ashley," i said.

"Hey!" She replied, laughing


"I have a magazine in my hand, and the paps think your mum is dating Louis!!!!" She said, laughing really hard "They also think your back with Niall. What happened?"

"Well, my mum invited the boys to go to IHOP with us, so we were there, but unfortunately, the paps caught us," I said, laughing at the memory.

"Oh, and Ave?"

"Yeah," I said, half-expecting her to say something snobby like 'We're still not friends, bitch,' but she didn't, instead she said "Sorry for my behavoir, i was a little mad and jelous, sorry, Louis was right, it was my fault, i was just to stubborn to realize it," she said

"Oh, no, it was my fault, too, and I'm sorry, too, Friends?" I asked

"Friends," Ashley replied My mum smiled, and I realized she was still in the room. "I got to go, though, bye, Ash," I said. I hugged my mum and said "Thanks," She smiled, and kissed my cheek. She then told me she had to leave to get an ultrasound to check on the baby. We won't know what gender the baby will be for a while yet. She's only been pregnant for a month. i said "Hope the baby's alright, " Then went to take a shower. 

                                                Important!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Note- First person to comment gets a dedication, and I won't write more until at least one person sends me something to be Zayn's girlfriend! May the best, (Or only) person win!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is dedicated to CarrotQueenTomlinson! I really need someone to send me something for Zayn's girlfriend, or else I can't upload anymore, ok!!!!!!! People, i know i may be nagging, but I need someone to sign up to be Zayn's girlfriend, i don't care if you leave a message, or a comment, or whatever, but i CAN'T upload until i find a girl to be his girlfriend! I don't want to make a fictional charactor because I like to base the charactors on real people. Ok, so yeah, and if you are picked to be Zayn's girlfriend, i will dedicate 5 chapters to you, ok, or scratch that, how many chapters you want to be dedicated to you. I know i sound reallt desperate, but i need someone, or else i can't make any new chapters, ok. I'm done now!!!!!!!!! Peace out, Girl Scout(s)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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