Chapter 35 :)

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"Hey, Niall, remember me?" A slutty girl came up. "Oh, hi, Candie,"Niall said, not to happy to see her. "Well, since we broke up eleven months ago, Liam knew I was upset, so he invited me to come to the movies! Isn't it great?" She said "You haven't moved on yet?" Asked Niall. "Well, for about ten months, I didn't move on, but i'm good now!" She said. Liam stared at me, with a face that said "Are you jelly?" Oh, i get it, he wants me to get jelous, well, i'm with Niall, so no. I got mad that he did that, really? Does he like me that much? i just walked past to my car. Niall kissed me, waved good-bye, and walked to his car. Liam had a triumphant smile on his face. He thinks I'm  jeolous! As if!

I got home, still fuming, and then I saw Cass "Sissy, why are you mad?" She said, still innocent. "Oh, just a hard day," I said "Guess what?????" She said, completely changing the subject. "What?" I asked "I am going to the school mommy teaches at, but I'll be in preschool, not middle school!" She said happily. I smiled and said "That's great," 

I walked up to my room, and saw a picture of me, but it's edges were jagged, like it was cut... OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! That is the picture Niall and I took right after our first date, the first time we were together, except someone cut Niall out. Who would do that? I'm not mad about my picture being destroyed, I could always copy another one, but I wanted to know who came into my room and had the nerve to do this! I saw the other half of the picture in the trash, and the scissors that it was cut with. This means war! I got two plastic sandwich bags, and put the scissors (which I had to poke a hole in the bag in order for it to fit,) and the other half of the picture in it, and labeled the bags: EVIDENCE. I laid them in my desk drawer. I decided to solve this crime tomorrow. I was just so tired, because I've been working non-stop, every time they called me, since I didn't have the schedule. I needed the money. I decided to get a well-needed nap, when i heard a knock on the door. "Oh, COME ON!!!!!!!!" I said, frustrated, then ran downstairs to get the door. Cass was already at it, talking to Louis. "Do you like carrots?" He asked

"Um, yeah," she said, laughing. Good answer, Cass, because if you said different, Louis would've bitten your head off. She continued the convo, saying "Is that your pet?" Pointing to Kevin. "why, yes, yes he is," replied Louis. Cass said "He's fake," and then Louis started to fake cry "He is not!" Louis cried. I told Cass to watch cartoons, and I stepped in front of Louis. "What do you want, lou?" I asked.

"Kevin ate all of my carrots again, and I need more!" Louis said "Louis, I am not taking you to the market, forget it," I said. He started to whimper like a small puppy. I rolled my eyes and shut the door before he convinced me. I heard him whimpering even louder, and he started to make crying sounds, but he failed because it sounded like a constipated cow. The sound must've interested Sadie because she stared at the door for like five minutes, and then she started to bark and run around in circles. I started laughing really hard, and then Louis walked away back to his house. I went upstairs, and I saw a dartboard with Niall's picture on it. I gasped when I saw an anonymous note.

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